Part 6? : Tratie One-Shot! (Gods I love this ship!)

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Hi everyone! This is Kara here, and I'm updating cuz' I am flippin' happy! I got TWO NEW FOLLOWERS YEAH! However those two cupcakes found me, i'm happy! *Does weird dance* Without further nonsense, LET'S GET TO THE FRICKIN' ONE-SHOT!


*Katie's P.O.V.*

I dipped my brush back into the paint tray. Those Stoll brothers decided to paint our cabin in a bright, neon pink color! Right now, I was just trying to restore it to it's original tree bark brown color, with green and light brown accents. Basically, our cabin looked like a tree.

 I was just finishing up with the last wall when, BAM! Someone was behind me.

I looked over my shoulder, to see, the one and only, TRAVIS STOLL!

"What do you want?" I demanded coldly, glaring daggers at Travis.

"Sheesh, rude much?" He acted cool, but I could tell my glare scared him.

"Travis, I know you painted my cabin pink! Why did you do that?" I was still glaring at him, but this time I had my wet paintbrush up to his chest.

"Well um, the truth is," He mumbled, scratching his neck.

"What? What is it?" I asked him, my gaze softened a little, and I lowered my paintbrush.

"Well, I knew you were gonna be out here, and I kind of wanted to talk to you because, I, um.." he mumbled something after that, but I don't know what it was.

"You what? Tell me Travis!" confusion filled my expression, and my posture softened.

"I-I like you," he blurted, turning crimson. He grimaced, apparently afraid of what I was going to say next.

"Oh, I shouldn't have said that, you don't like me back and you probably never will and you probably hate me now and-" he started spewing out random words and acting nervous, so I cut him off.

I pressed my lips to his for about 3 seconds, just to get him to be quiet.

"Travis, I like you too. It wasn't stupid, and I don't hate you," I smiled, and wrapped my arms around his neck. He smiled.

"Katie Gardner, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked.

"Yes!" I replied, kissing him full on the lips. I then realized that I had the paintbrush still in my hand, and, smirking against his lips, I painted a portion of his shirt brown.

"Payback!" I yelled, pulling away. 

Laughing, Travis caught up with me and pulled my into his chest.

"I love you Katie," he whispered into my ear.

"I love you too, Travis," I whispered back.

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