dwight x jake.

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"Jake? Hey... Jake. Jake!"

"Shh! Stop shouting, will you? I'm right here."

The taller male wavered the other over, who was currently freaking out about losing the gruff survivor to the thick mist that clouded over the air and ground. The shorter man cleared his throat and started to bite at his short fingernails out of habit, his nervousness getting to him. The two had lost Claudette and Nea a while ago, so it was just them, the mist, and the killer.

"S-sorry.. I'm sorry, Jake."

The defeated voice caused the seemingly emotionless man to stop in his tracks, sigh deeply, then turn around to face the nerve-wrecked Dwight. Jake was a lone wolf, anyone and everyone knew that. He preferred looking out for himself in contrast to other people, but something about this man made something tick inside Jake. He didn't know what and he didn't know why, but it scared the hell out of him; having someone else's life on his conscience. Dark brown eyes met the opposing one's, and for a split second, a smile was present on the survivalist's chapped lips.

"Hey, it's okay. Let's just keep looking for a generator, alright? I think we have two more, unless girl power beat us to it." he spoke in a light-hearted manner in an attempt to make Dwight smile at least a little bit, and it turned out working, which sent a wave of relief mixed with a little bit of hope through his veins.

The two ventured on through the Coldwind Farm, each walking through a different row of corn but still remaining close enough to see each other. It was only about thirty seconds or so afterwards that Dwight pointed out a structure to Jake, causing the male to lift his eyes just slightly to see the broken, flickering lights of a nearby generator. He sent the clergy a silent thumbs up, which caused Dwight to smile softly and head towards the unfinished generator just that little bit faster, but that came to a stop real fast once a heartbeat filled his ears. He stopped, frozen in his spot with wide eyes and a cold breath. Jake, on the other hand, was calm and collected as he silently watched the killer loom over the generator, seemingly inspecting it for any sign of usage before he started to glance around the field. From what he could see, Jake assumed the killer was The Wraith. It would explain why they didn't hear the heartbeat straight away, and why Claudette was babbling on about a transparent figure in the cornfield earlier on. The two waited for what seemed like hours before the tall creature hit it's bell thrice, almost instantly disappearing into a big load of nothingness. Jake though, he new better than to just rush in and cause noise straight away. He'd always taken mental notes of the killers he went up against, and one of them was simple; killer's love to bait. Obviously Dwight didn't do anything of a similar sort, because he was already at the generator before Jake could even let a word leave his mouth. He cringed slightly at the sound of the first piston beginning to pump up and down, letting out a discomforting scratching noise the first few times before it settled.

"No, Dwi--"

He cut himself off at the sound of the bell ringing again, and surely enough his theory was right. He cowered back into the cornfield, watching as his friend began to run off but getting hit almost instantly due to the Wraith's enhanced speed. The way Dwight cried out in pain caused a pang of guilt to hit Jake right in the heart, and that's whenhe knew something was definitely wrong. That had only ever happened once before, and the reason behind that just didn't make sense to him, why? because the last time he felt that ache in his heart was the day that he saw his ex-girlfriend hooking up with his brother. If that was because he loved her, then....

The ravenette almost instantly blocked that thought from his mind, not wanting to believe it. He was probably just going crazy, being stuck in an endless loop of survival games for so long. Yeah, that must've been it.

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