the ghoul.

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this is my take on what it'd be like if the entity took our favourite nerd into its arms and turned him into a killer. hope y'all enjoy!
art by: GuudNight)

Chilly winds, dark skies, the constant sounds of crows crying over the horizon.
There were footsteps, ones heavier and more malicious than any that had been heard by anyone at the campfire. The sounds were almost inhumane with intent.
What was it? Was it one of the entity's slaves that had found the safe haven of the survivors? No.. the entity never let its toys get so close. This was different, and whatever it was, it was anything but good.
A final step. Had the sound really stopped? For now, but then, what had happened to the owner of those steps? Had whatever it was just given up on searching for prey? Possible, but unlikely. These weren't normals woods, and they were home to no normal creatures.

Of course, the botanist of all thirteen of the survivors would find herself in such a sticky situation. She freezes, unable to catch wind of whereabouts this threat was positioned, which was a surprise considering she excels at doing just that. It only makes her blood run colder in her veins. Makes her heart beat harder than before.
He hears it.
The radiation of fear only fuels him, coaxes him into doing the very thing he had spent all these years trying to prevent. He has the copper taste of blood on his tongue, and he craves more.

As night fell and the clouds enveloped the sun, the anomaly of a being found himself stalking a prey he had sworn to protect since day one. The dark skinned female with perfectly braided hair, a PhD in botany, and the same horrid eyesight that he had. Claudette Morel. She was a simple girl he had grown quite fond of since the moment she arrived in that hellhole. Something about her simplicity and kindness appealed to him, and because of that, he found it... difficult, to act. He couldn't allow his humanity to peek through. No, he'd be punished. The Entity wouldn't tolerate weakness.
Creeping closer, dark eyes peeked through brackets of leaves, his target very clearly in sight despite the misty atmosphere and the fact that she was hidden strategically behind a large tree trunk. He'd always been good at that, however - finding his allies within the fog.

He could hear her heartbeat.
𝐓𝐡𝐮𝐦𝐩. 𝐓𝐡𝐮𝐦𝐩. 𝐓𝐡𝐮𝐦𝐩.
The sound alone was exhilarating. It made his fingertips twitch with eagerness, and with that, he reached into the back of his dirtied jeans, pulling out what seemed to resemble a long, thin blade. Larger than an athame, yet smaller than a sword. A ceremonial knife.
The sickeningly visible veins that ran up both sides of his neck and jawline began to pulse as he approached.
He only stopped once he reached the other side of the tree, a certain silence adamant to his presence.
"C-Claudette..?" He whimpered in a helpless tone, though he had a sinister grin on his face. This was clearly an act to draw her out.
"Are you there? I-I need help.. please, help me.."
He heard the woman's heart stop at that.
The ravenette remembered running from something, but.. how was it possible that Dwight had caught up to her? Was he running from the same thing? Her motherly instincts kicked in, and within a second, she quickly jumped out from the tree and glanced over at the opposite side.


"Dwight? Where are you?!" She called out, her voice shaky from the adrenaline and the fear that were coursing through her body.
Still nothing.
That's when she felt a presence, though she dared not move. A breath tickling the back of her neck and towards her right ear. Her body froze as a response and she gulped silently, a cold droplet of sweat running down her forehead.

"I'm right here~"

The voice itself was a little deeper from it's usual tone, and lacked the constant nervousness that it usually held - erased of any stutter. The simple phrase was spoken in a sing-song manner, and the very sound of it was enough to send chills down the woman's spine. She finally turned around, though it was slow and cautious. She only stopped once they were face-to-face. Brown eyes stared back into faded ones, and for a split second, neither of them spoke.
"You seem... scared, Claude. Don't you recognise me?"
No, she didn't. The man opposing her wasn't anything like the man she viewed as her best friend. No, this one was demonic. The way darkened veins creeped up his forearms, over his chest and stopped at his neck, the way his skin seemed to pale even more than usual, the way each rivet of his spine stuck out like a starved greyhound, and the way those kind eyes were replaced with careless, darkened optics.
This wasn't the Dwight she knew.
"D-Dwight, you..."
"What's the matter, hm? You don't like the new me?"
He interrupted, beginning to circle her like a lion sizing up it's prey.
"No more stutters, no more geek factor.." He chuckled bitterly at that, "No more running."
He stopped behind her, being quick to forcefully turn her around and hold her in place with the blade of his knife pressed against the back of her neck.
She was speechless, to say in the least. Tears had welled up in her eyes overtime, and she couldn't help but inch back just slightly, only stopping once she felt the cool steel cut into her neck gently. She winced at that.

"What.. What happened to you!" She shouted in pure frustration and arguably, fear. This made something tick inside the deformed male, and he just glared, digging the blade slightly deeper into the soft skin. Her yelp made him grin.
"Two years. Two whole years I've been stuck in this godforsaken place!"
He shouted back, frustration lacing his own manipulated tone.
"I was the first of all of you! I've felt myself die more than you or anyone else could ever imagine!" His glare was paired with droplets of blood beginning to drip down his cheeks from his tear ducts, (most likely his new equivalent to tears), a sinister expression overtaking his previous one.
"Not anymore, no.. No, the Entity has taken pity on me.." He giggled softly, an aura of insanity coming about him.
The woman refrained from interrupting him the entire time, terrified that if she spoke a single word, he would grow agitated once more.
"Ahh, I'm sorry, Claudette. I really am." He placed his free hand on her cheek, running his thumb over the soft, tear-stained skin.
"Dwight, please, don't—!"
"You were the best of us."
With that, he grabbed the sharp end of the blade with that hand, squeezing tight enough to cut into the skin of his palm as he forced the knife towards him in a single, swift movement.
Darkened eyes glanced downwards with disinterest as he watched the body drop to it's knees, then to it's side - the decapitated head following closely behind as he watched it eventually roll to a stop. Lifeless.

'M e m e n t o M o r i',
he heard the Entity whisper into the back of his mind, and the killer stood with a satisfied smirk, using his bond with the Entity to retrace old tracks from other unsuspecting victims. Wiping the blood from his cheeks and licking any excess from his fingertips, he began to walk, tailing the trace he'd picked up along the way.
"Now, who's next~?"

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