trapper x doctor.

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[A/N]: HI, sorry! i haven't had any time whatsoever to write!! been busy with college and the latter, but hopefully i should have time here and there to update more frequently! Thank you guys for being so patient ^^ it means a lot. Also I apologise in advance if this is shitty, I really have no idea how to write killer personas HAHA. -S


The continuous sound of ravens cawing through their beaks followed by the flutter of their dark wings seeing them off to some other post only meant one thing in the Fog: survivor's were near.

The Entity had chosen it's first victim to take care of them this time. A tall, masked killer who once went by the name of Evan MacMillan, but now? Now, everybody knew him as 'The Trapper'. The beast of a man had already begun to stalk through the gloomy forest that surrounded his abandoned estate, narrow eyes eagerly flicking back and forth in search of the lesser beings he had sought out to kill yet again. It was so easy it became an addiction overtime. Formerly, he had only killed in order to help his father. It wasn't something he particularly wanted to do, it was just one of his many duties as the protector of his household after his father could no longer hold the job. Now, however, he craved the blood. He enjoyed hearing the screams of the survivors as he cut them down and then hoisted them onto the hook of the Entity; watching gleefully behind his masked grin as they slowly approached their impending doom.

The feeling was exhilarating, to say at the least.

Heavy pants could be heard as he vigilantly stalked through the yard, his breathing only getting heavier in excitement as he heard the whispers of the Entity swarming around in his mind. Someone was close. The Trapper tightened his grip on his bladed weapon, picking up the pace as he headed towards the running generator that had just lit up with an intense 'ding!' just meters away from him. Lifting his arm up as he readied himself to swing, he soon paused in his strides and his entire being froze, hearing the sound of electricity coursing through the brick walls and the soil, all the way up to the culprit who let out a feminine scream. That wasn't right... that girl had no reason to expose her position for no reason, unless...

A psychotic pint of laughter followed the scream. It belonged to a man, one who Evan knew quite well, actually. Herman Carter, or more obviously: The Doctor. A madman who fell in love with the idea of torturing his patients instead of helping them way back before the Entity even knew of his existence. The Trapper forced himself out of his confused daze, letting out a grunt of dissatisfaction. Why was he here? Two killers couldn't exist in one realm. The trial belonged only to one, as did it's survivors, so.. why?

A glitch in the code, surely.

By the time the beastly man returned to his senses, he had noticed the Doctor standing over a fallen Feng Min, blood oozing out of the whimpering girl as she was easily downed.

The two killers exchanged their confused expressions. At least the feeling was mutual.

The Doctor tilted his head to the side slightly, breathing through his stretched mouth and teeth as he gestured downwards towards Feng before leaning down himself and hoisting her small form over his shoulder, as if wanting his accomplice to do as he did to another. Evan got the hint quite quickly, and simply nodded slowly as he saw the other off before leaving the scene as well. He was on his own road to blood, and he wasn't going to let some mistake of the Entity throw him off of his path.

Following along the scratched tracks of who he could only assume was his first victim, Evan's brows furrowed and his breathing picked up beneath his mask, each breath being laced with upcoming bloodlust. Dark golden eyes lit up once he noticed a quick flash of white in his peripheral vision, and by now, he knew who he was following. Dwight Fairfield. This poor soul was the first, Evan remembered, as was he. The two were brought here together, at roughly the same time, so it was safe to say he felt a calling towards the dark-haired man. A calling to mangle his body and mind in the most 'courteous' way possible.

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