myers x huntress.

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[A/N:] Heya! this one's gonna be more of a wholesome platonic relationship rather than a romantic relationship, cause i mean,,,, momma Huntress has the big gay imo and i like Myers better with Jake anyways :')). They're just a couple 'a cute homos.
Back in the forest, behind the thick trees and hidden deep within the darkness of the flora, is where the Entity's playthings hide. They remain there, stalking their pray at the campfire from afar, planning their next move and waiting for the Entity to favour them over others. Waiting, for the opportunity to kill.

At least, that's what everyone assumed they did.

In reality, most of the older souls weren't so bloodthirsty anymore. Many would stay back in their own little haven, mindlessly waiting for their personal time to be interrupted by their hierarchy's endless crave for sacrifices. Most would even reminisce on what their life once was before the fog, and the most heavily affected victim of this was Anna - or who was now known as 'The Huntress'.

Anna knew that she didn't have anything back at home. She only had the solitary chill of the forest to comfort her forever aching heart. After losing her mother and never having an existing father figure, she had nobody to comfort her in times of need, and nobody to keep her company when times got lonesome. After being taken by the fog, of course she was wary at first. She was exposed to other beings that held the appearance of telltale monsters that her mother used to include in her bedtime stories, and she didn't trust them one bit. At least for a few days. It was only until one in particular approached her with a calming silence.

The tall man was clad in dirtied blue coveralls, his face covered by a white mask with hollow eyes and a blank expression. It was impossible to tell what he was thinking or feeling because of this, which she supposed was the whole point of concealing his identity so well. After all, it's why she wore her hare mask all the time.
His name was Michael. Michael Myers. Nowadays, however, he was called 'The Shape'.
He was very silent at first, as was she, but eventually the two became soft spoken with one another; exchanging their stories and how they came to end up in a place like this. Of course, she first taught the man vital parts of her language so that he understood everything she was explaining, and in exchange, he did the same for her.
Anna learned that they were very similar in more ways than one. The one reason that stood out to her the most, however, was the fact that they were both obsessed with something before it all happened.

She was obsessed with children, and he was obsessed with his baby sister.

It was a bittersweet connection that touched her in ways that she wouldn't have expected, but because of it, they bonded and became closer than any other of the hunters in their group. So close that she had convinced her lonesome self that he could have been her long lost sibling in another universe.

The two would often stray away from the rest of the group, heading down to a more secluded part of the forest with a small creek nearby and squirrels hiding up in the trees. The atmosphere was quite different from the Russian forests she was used to, but she didn't mind it.

Hunting was much more fun with a friend.

Glancing up at one of the furry critters, the Huntress grabbed one of her smaller hatchets and aimed. She enjoyed teaching Michael what her mother had taught her many years ago. It gave her a sense of purpose, and she felt as though she was doing her mothers memory good by letting her legendary hunting skills live on.
"Вы должны подождать, пока он не успокоится, прежде чем нанести удар."
("you must wait until he calms down before striking.")
she spoke in a low tone, eyes carefully watching the creature like a hawk.
Myers simply nodded slowly, eyes staring up at the squirrel as well through the mask.

It seemed so peaceful, it was almost sad that it had to die. But, Anna kept true to what her mother always told her, 'Do not feel sorrow for those who are lesser beings than yourself, as their lives often mean nothing'.

Clutching his knife tightly in his right hand in anticipation, Myers watched intently as the woman beside him wound up her hatchet, ready to strike when necessary. It was only once the squirrel had finally stilled that she threw the hatchet with precision, the blade slicing into the small creatures chest and toppling it down onto the moist ground. Beneath the mask, a small grin tugged at the man's lips. It reminded him of when he used to mutilate his pet rats as a child.
They both learned to start with small prey first.

The Shape approached the new corpse of the squirrel, staring down and watching as it's limbs twitched a little from the dying nerves.
he murmured just above a whisper to himself, his grin widening just slightly as it finally stopped twitching altogether. Anna made it by his side shortly afterwards, a small smile also on her exposed lips as she glanced down at the squirrel, then over to her mesmerised friend.

"Я научу тебя бросать, чтобы ты наконец смог поймать свою сестру".
("i will teach you to throw so that you can finally catch your sister.")
she spoke with a genuine tongue, concealed eyes looking over the man's veiled expression. Although many wouldn't be able to decipher his expression now (or ever), she could tell by the wrinkles beside his eyes that he was smiling. A grateful smile, at that.  She wanted to help him fulfil his lifelong goal at last, just as he wanted to keep her endless company by being the family she never had. Perhaps they were perfect for each other. It certainly seemed like he thought so too by the way the man seemed to reach over and grasp the back of her neck; pulling her close so that their foreheads pressed together in further bonding. A 'brothers in arms' sort of gesture.

He had her back, and she had his. They had each other now, and somehow, that gave Anna a sense of feeling that, eventually, everything was going to be okay.

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