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Silence filled the room for at least an hour. "So our homeland is Mangata?" Arlet finally broke the silence. "Beatrix and I are... You come from The Terre Blanche. The land of the white elves." Finn was glad there was no more silence. "Racist." Beatrix mumbled. "What? no I'm not implying- ugh! Thats what their called!" Finn tried to stay calm. "Wait... Isn't that french?" Arlet asked. "Where do you you think the language came from? They basically founded France." Finn said. Beatrix stared at him with disbelief. "Seriously, you want proof: All white elves are born with platinum white hair, just like Arlet. Why do you think the french people used the powdered wig look as a trend? Cuz of they're ancestors.." Finn explained. 


Honestly, I didn't understand much of what Finn said. The only thing I understood was the rage yearning to escape out of Beatrix. She's my best friend, I knew that whenever she got like this... It wouldn't be pretty. I always knew I was different, yet I don't believe what Finn said is true. He must be trying to prank us... Maybe. For some reason my heart believes him, but my head tells me otherwise. Im going to play along, just for now. 

"We need to leave, I know someone who can help us get away from the Clinquant  sisters." Finn got up and walked towards the library exit. Something was up with Beatrix, and it wasn't her depression. "Hey, are you ok?" I asked her and gave her a gentle smile. "I'll tell you later." She smiled back, but I could tell it was forced. "Are you ladies planning on leaving this place, or are you guys gonna stay here till Ragnarok?" Finn yelled from the exit and earned a lot of loud shushes from the people reading. 

Beatrix and I didn't know where Finn was taking us, but like idiots we followed. We walked into an unfamiliar ally, and it didn't look safe as well. "Finn where are we goi-" Beatrix was saying but tripped on a plank of wood (Btw there were some planks on wood on the ground from the renovating building nearby) and fell on Finn who turned around to face her. He took her hands and helped her regain balance. "Careful sweetie." Finn said with a grin and a friendly tone. Then Beatrix smacked him right across the face, I mean if you ask me, he should've seen it coming. "The hell did you call me?!" Beatrix said, her fist ready to feed it to him. "Right! sorry, I didn't know what came over me." You could see the guilt on his face. "Anyway careful next time." He said then started walking deeper into the ally. We followed him into a small black painted shack, why a shack was in the middle of an ally, we had no idea. In front of the shack stood a buff kid, looked probably about 18 and could most likely pass as a bouncer. 

"Heyyy! Mar..vin.." Finn said the name quietly then looked at the buff guys name tag. "Zack! I totally knew it was you buddy!" Zack growled. We could tell he intimidated Finn, but he tried to smile and look brave. "What do you want Finnian?" Zack bellowed. "Oh y'know, maybe we could... a-dunno, just get in for at least five minutes... Then were out, promise!" Finn was raising his hand as if reciting an oath. I could tell that Zack was getting impatient and Finn looked like he was going to pee his pants. So I had to do one of the things I was good at. Convincing my way in... I went and stood right in front of Zack. "Hi big guy, sorry about Finn here.. He's stupid."

"Heh! You got that right.." Zach said.

"But honestly, me and my friend-" I pointed over to Beatrix. "Are the ones who need to get inside. Finn said he had a way in... Clearly he doesn't. So... If you don't mind..." 

"Make it quick! And next time, you need an invitation to get in. Im only letting you guys in now cuz she's a White Elf." Zack gestured towards me. 

"Thanks, Zach" I said. 

"Yeah! Thanks Zack!" Finn said smiling then quickly rushed inside, avoiding a hit from Zack's huge fist.

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