Twilight Goes To Hogwarts - Chapter VIII

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*A/N: It's time to pour out the truth and leave Forks... But will Bella let Edward/Cedric go?*

Bella's P.O.V.

I stood like a pillar and blankly stared into... Cedric's eyes. He waited for me to greet his hand, but this was beyond me. I couldn't believe this was actually happening. All this time I called him Edward and now's it's changed to Cedric?!

Once he realized I wasn't going to respond with a handshake he sighed.

"Believe me; this is as awkward to me as it is to you." He confessed, retreating a few steps back to the table. He then swiftly shot his eyes to the entrance of the kitchen and his expression changed to displeasure.

"I doubt that, Cedric." Jacob's tone was angry, understandably, and he highlighted the name Cedric. I could already foretell that there was going to be an argument between them.

Edward-I mean CEDRIC! IT'S CED-RIC! ... So yeah, he opened his mouth to say something but Jacob cut through him. "-And don't give me crap about you wanting to protect Bella."

"Jacob," Ed--... Oh forget it... "I don't want to argue."

"Argue?!" Jacob snorted sarcastically "So that's what this is to you, just some argue? I'm trying to prove to Bella that you're an obvious liar. What's your excuse this time, huh? Why the hell did you lie to her?!"

Cedric (YES MOM! I SAID IT!!) dropped his head in defeat. It was obvious he wasn't going to put up a fight, and this worried me.

Then he looked me straight into the eyes and whispered; "I'm so sorry Bella..."

To hear him say words such as these broke my heart. Out of all the times he'd asked me to forgive him, even the time when he left me, this was the saddest expression I've seen. I was sure it did not belong to my Edward... This was Cedric now.

Jacob flared with anger, especially when he saw I wasn't responding in the same way he was.

"'I'm sorry'?!" He then addressed to me, "Bella, can I have your permission to punch this guy?"

"No!" I shouted automatically. "Not in front of Renesme."

"That's no problem." Jacob answered. "We could settle this outside."

"Jacob," Edward shook his head disapprovingly. "I'm not going to fight."

"Don't give me that!" Jacob snapped, "You know how bad I want to kill you, I don't think I can hold it in anymore!"

I gasped. "Jacob! Stop it!"

"No I won't Bella! This guy is leaving today. I don't want to miss my chance."

As soon as Jacob reminded me of this, my world fell down and the heaven I had created between myself, Edward and Renesme was burning to ashes. It was true that he was leaving. Was I sad? Of course. I had loved him for so long that I was sure I could forgive him for lying. He must have a good reason.

"Edward..." I called out for what seemed to be the last time ever. "Did the rest of the Cullens know about this?"

He sighed and held a long pause of silence.

"They knew. All of them, except you." He replied, not meeting my gaze.

"You're kidding, right?!" Jacob exclaimed sarcastically. "Are all you leeches like that or is it just the Cullens?"

"Jacob!" I yelled, knowing that the term 'leech' and 'Cullens' applied to me as well.

"Sorry, I forgot..." He apologized to me and then narrowed his eyes, giving Edward one of his hateful glares. "Why?"

"The Cullen's saved my life." Edward began, "I can't say that I lied all by myself, even though I agree that I hold a much greater burden. I joined the Cullen family and became one of them, throwing out my past away. I began behaving differently, dressing differently and even go as far as changing my accent. I never thought that I would be Cedric again and I thought it was safe to be Edward in Bella's eyes..." He didn't seem to be holding back any information, knowing it was no use lying anymore.

I didn't want to hear this new truth, ironically. But I knew I had to know whether Edward's love for me was real or just... a lie.

Cedric's P.O.V.

At that moment it seemed that the world was against me. Everyone was outraged by my lies, even though I had no other choice since the life of Edward. I guess this was the treatment I deserved for such behaviour. My father was pleased to have discovered me but I think it were better if he wasn't...

I glanced behind my left shoulder and met Renesme's curious eyes. I wondered what she thought about this whole situation and if she still had affection towards me as her father. If I was going to leave Forks for good, then I will have to say a goodbye to her too.

"Bella?" I called her. This time I was neither Edward nor Cedric. I was just me.

"Yes?" She breathed.

"You have to know something..." I whispered in her ear, "I never lied about being in love with you." Slowly, I slipped my engagement ring in her palm. "Goodbye, Isabella Swan."

I know, I said it before that Bella was not my true soul mate, but that doesn't mean I don't have feelings for her. She was my first serious relationship I had ever been in, and that will never change. But I could feel, and I knew, that she loved me more than I loved her, which was not fair. Jacob was perfect for her from the very start and I was glad he existed.

I looked at him then. His dark expression was now empty. I'd be surprised if he will actually miss me.

"Bye, Jacob." I said casually. He just nodded.

"Edward!" Bella powerfully embraced me, tightly locking her arms around my neck. "Don't go, please! Please..."

"It's okay, Bella." I stroke her hair and smiled. "I'll visit again some day."

"Do you promise?" She slowly released me, looking straight into my eyes.

"I promise." I agreed. Of course I'm going to visit them, that's easily achievable.

Soon, the time came to say goodbye to Renesme. If she were a human child right now, she couldn't talk or understand things like an adult. Before me she had the appearance of a five-year-old. Her dark hair was long and curly, and her intelligence clearly surpassed a child's. Even now, I was curious to know what kind of a person she would grow up to be.

I kneeled down before the chair that she sat on and smiled, fighting the urge not to speak to her in a language reserved for babies.

"Sweetheart, I have to leave." I told her. "You see, I'm a wizard too. They need me to go back home with them--" Unexpectedly, I was interrupted in my mid-sentence.

"I want to go with you." Renesme proclaimed.

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