Twilight Goes To Hogwarts - Chapter II

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A/N: This chapter reveals more about Edward and his reasons for what he does. Enjoy!


I guess Harry was right. I've been living in America for over a few years now and I've had to pretend my American accent, for Bella, that is. I have to pretend I'm American. I mean, when I say 'blood' in American, that's what it sounds like, but in British it sounds something like blod.

"Are you just going to stand there or what?" Harry's aggravation interrupted my deep thoughts.

"You should get out of here, Potter." I said in a deadly tone. "You have no idea what I've become."

"As far as I know, without a wand, you're pretty much harmless." He insisted bravely. It doesn't sound like something he would say, so I'm guessing he's learned a lot since I was gone.

"Just go, Potter, all right?"

"Just go?!" He was getting annoyed again. "Cedric, you're alive! I need to know the truth!"

"The truth?"

"Yes!" Potters eyes were full of determination, just like the old times.

I sighed.

"I'm going to leave now." And left.

I made sure to run like I've never run before, surely to outwit any spell Potter would have. I didn't think twice about why I was running away. Maybe I was afraid about being discovered. Would Potter keep his word and tell my father? But, he has no proof of my existence, and I'll make sure he doesn't. To start things off, we'll need to move location. Forks is too small and vulnerable to any wizard attacks. If Voldemort were to come back for me...

I shook my head. This is crazy! I'll just go back home, maybe snatching a random rabbit for a snack on the way, and live as normally as I did before... Being with the vampires and the werewolves... Playing the piano... As much as I hate to admit it, life in Hogwarts was so much more colourful. I was great at Quidditch, I could throw parties, cast magic... Those were the good days, and that was barely two years ago. Being a vampire sucks. Why did the Cullens have to save me?

Finally I could see the flickering light of my house, and Harry's shouts were long gone behind me. I know it is probably not a good idea to leave Harry alone in the woods, but he said it himself, if something doesn't have a wand, they are hopeless. Come to think of it, what was he doing alone in the middle of the forest anyway?

"You're early." I heard a sarcastic voice come from a dark silhouette near the entrance to the house. Her arms were crossed across her chest, and as I approached closer, I saw the displeased frown that was sculptured onto Bella's face. Translation 'I saw the angry face of the wife'.

"I needed some fresh air to clear my mind..." I said, walking past her to the door. Luckily, I spoke under my breath, so she may have not recognized my British accent.

Bella quickly trailed behind me.

"Is something troubling you?" Her tone immediately switched to concerned.

"No." I opened the door and held it for her, like the gentleman I am. Haha.

"I need to speak to Carlisle." I said, while looking around the house and calling his name.

"He's in the hospital, I think." She answered.

"The hospital!?" I snapped at her, stopping just before the staircase. She seemed shocked for a moment, but quickly recuperated. I quickly apologized. I guess I was starting to go mental... I mean, what the HELL is HARRY POTTER doing in FORKS? Of all the places... "...Yeah. There was an emergency or something at his work. He had to go."

Great. Perfect timing!

I slumped down on the third step and buried my face in my hands. Bella was quickly by my side.

"Edward..." She began. "You know, you can always tell me what troubles you. You've saved me so many times; it's the least I can do to repay you."

I kept silent.

Even though she is considered a full vampire now, she is still a muggle. I can't tell her about my true identity, about the wizard world and so on. She's already burdened with vampires and werewolves with magic powers, I'm sure that's enough information in her lifetime.

She trusts me so completely that I'm starting to feel bad about this whole situation. She thinks I love her just as strongly she loves me, but really, I wouldn't call her my true soulmate... I just... Like her. She assumes that I'm over 100 years old, even though my 20th birthday is just next week.

And I still can'y believe I'm a father! It's good that she's half-vampire, however. We didn't even have to bother with diapers.

"It's fine." I said to Bella. "Your presence is enough to make me feel better..." Rubbing salt on my own wound... How much longer can I lie to her?

I just keep digging myself a deeper and deeper hole... All out of fear for Voldemort.

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