Twilight Goes To Hogwarts - Chapter V

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*A/N: Chapter V is finally here.

Will Edward expose himself to the wizards from the Ministry of Magic? Or will he play hide and seek?*

Edward's P.O.V.

As soon as I saw the old man by the house, I knew what he was. I knew where he came from. I knew, I can't allow him to see me.

The car came to an abrupt halt as I hit the brakes. The loud screeching was a traitor of my existence, and the old man's attention was quickly directed at us.

"What are you doing?" Alice worryingly examined my empty glare.

What now? I wouldn't run far, but it's worth a try. And hiding is not an option.

"You see that man, Alice?" I said, narrowing my gaze. The man couldn't see well from afar, especially when the car's glass was tinted. "He's a wizard. An employee from the Ministry of Magic, no doubt about it."

She was still as I spoke, gazing intently at the wizard by the house.

Alice, Carlisle, Emmett... All Cullens and Hales knew who I was and where I came from. They are very aware that the wizard world is existent, all vampires know this. Yet they manage to keep their worlds and laws away. Whatever is the reason for this magician's being, I do not know. And I don't want to.

"What do we do?" Jasper's voice rung behind me.

"Nothing." I replied. "These people can't know I'm here. If they do, it'll be over. We need to move. It's not safe in Forks anymore, I mean it."

"Edward, that's not going to cut it," Alice said disapprovingly. "We need an act NOW before that man starts coming towards us."

I sighed. She was right.

First, we need to find out what's going on and why are they here.

"Alice, Jasper, Esme," I said. "Go into the house and find out what's going on. I'll try to remain out of sight for as long as I can."

"Okay," Alice agreed. "I'll call you whenever I can."

Without saying anything more, all three of them left the car and I went my separate way.

Somewhere, in the far back of my mind, I thirsted to go back. To go back to being Cedric Diggory, the student of Hogwarts as a Hufflepuf... But even if I wanted to, I couldn't. I'm not fit to be a Hufflepuf anymore either way, I've changed too much. I'd be more fit to be in Slytherin now...

I drove like this through the empty streets of Forks. Not particularly going anywhere, just driving around the town. Suddenly my cell rang. It was Alice, of course.

"Yeah?" I answered it.

"Edward," Alice's shaky voice greeted me. "They... They aren't going to leave without you."

"What?!" What do they need me for? Have they already found me out?

"These people came to take Renesme away under some law, and they need your signature. Otherwise, they will do something..."

"What are they going to do?" I almost shouted, but fought to remain cool. "Alice?"


"Edward, look, I don't know..." She whispered. "But you have to come. There's no other way."

"I can't!" I objected.

"There's a chance they won't recognize you." She said, calmly now. "Not only that, Carlisle is trying to talk them out of taking Nessie and he would appreciate your help."

"Alice, nothing will change their minds."

"I know..." Alice sighed. "But do you have any other plans?"

I drove into the darkness with incredible speed. Was I going to do the same with this situation?

I need to think. Take a little time out.

"Alice, give me a minute. I need to think." I said grimly and ended the call after Alice's long pause. Then I gently slowed the car down and stopped it.

There's just no other way, is there? If I ran, they would find me.

If I went to the house, I would be forced to sign and I couldn't object. And if they recognized me as Cedric, it would be over. All of it. I would be swarmed with wizard media. My father would hate me because I lied. The Cullens and the Hales would be put into prison for keeping me captive. That's what they would think, anyway.

I sighed.

I guess this is just how things turned out, didn't they? I couldn't pretend to be Edward Cullen forever anyway. Forever's not long enough.

I have to make a decision.

Turning the car around, I hit the gas pedal and flew like lightning. On the way, I called Alice.

"Edward?" She answered, sounding anxious.

"I'm coming." I almost smiled.

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