Twilight Goes To Hogwarts - Chapter X

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*A/N: omg I honestly thought I could never, ever squeeze out a new chapter for this story. I just asked myself "what's the point?" selfish, I know. I guess the inspiration was fueled again, by the unfortunate ABSOLUTE end of the Harry Potter series. Just before writing this chapter, I read some HP fanfics here on Wattpad. I then opened Microsoft Word and allowed myself to pick up where I left off...

So anyway, my idea was that now that Edward/Cedric is returning to his "old self" and the wizard universe, I thought 'hey, I'll switch to third person narrative, it makes sense' it was my original intention anyway... But yeah, if you guys don't like it or think it's confusing, I guess I can switch. It would make sense too. :D

This is a bit short. Please DO NOT ASK ME if I will write more because I don't bloody know, this just came out randomly and I felt compelled to write it. Also it's extremely hard for me to get all the HP facts right, such as the dates when Voldy infiltrated the Ministry of Magic and how long after the Order of the Phoenix this is. If anyone is a die-hard fan and expert on Harry Potter everything, I would forever LOVE YOU if you helped me get some things straight.

(secretly dances to the fact that in my story, Snape is still alive. As is Lupin etc.)*


Amos Diggory worried that the others have left. After the Dark Lord’s return, he tended to hope for the worst. Unconsciously, he gripped tight to his son’s hand, a habit of a caring father he couldn’t get rid of, especially now that his son had been regained.

Renesme, however abnormal as a child, still indulged in her father’s affection, and allowed herself to be carried in his arms. The swishing of the grass beneath relaxed her and it seemed as if the moon forced her eyelids to close.

Soon, Amos released a sigh of relief. “There they are.”

As soon as they emerged into a small, artificially lit clearing, all the mission wizards gathered around an antique street light. Its placement was not surprising to Cedric, who knew immediately that it was a port-key.

“Nessie?” Cedric gently pinched Renesme’s right cheek, while the other rested on his shoulder. She didn’t budge.

“Cedric, my son, we must leave.” Amos pleaded.

“She just fell asleep.” Said Cedric, marvelling at how alike Bella and Renesme were.

“Then I’m afraid you will have to wake her up.”

Cedric was surprised at this order, surprised at the detachment that his father’s voice contained. She was after all his granddaughter.

“Do we have to go now?” He enquired casually. “I can just catch a plane to Britain or something.”

“Just wake her up, Cedric.” Amos blurted out, going around the port-key and looking for anyone that they may have left behind.

“You haven’t answered my question.” Cedric narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

When he was sure that all men were gathered, Amos rushed to Cedric and his daughter. Without asking, he placed the tip of his wand onto Renesme’s forehead and muttered a spell. “I’m sorry I can’t answer your questions now, son, but there is simply no time.” He said, after Renesme’s eyes opened. But she wasn’t awake, not really. She was in a state similar to sleep-walking, which was triggered by the spell that had been cast on her. Hesitantly, Cedric followed his father to the port-key.

It was difficult to get a comfortable spot among so many wizards, around one object. It was the first time Cedric would use a port-key with a sleep-walking child. He wasn’t sure what to do, but he didn’t doubt his physical capabilities as a vampire. He held Renesme in his left arm while the right grasped to the fat pole of the street-light.

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