Twilight Goes To Hogwarts - Chapter IV

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*A/N: Chapter 4 is here! Nothing much to say here, except a big THANK YOU to Harry Potter wiki *sheepish smile* Do enjoy reading this. Comments are always much appreciated :D*

Bella's P.O.V.

The icy wind hummed loudly as I rushed across the space, dodging each tree with ease.

All that time I ran, Jacob's face was flashing in my vision. His smile, his laughter, his teasing jokes. Now he was in pain, just as I was when Edward... Momentarily left me. Jacob needs my full support, and I will be there for as long as he wants me to... As long as it's not forever...

"There it is!" Emmett referred to the familiar house behind the trees, just a few yards away. The lights inside flickered, portraying some shadow movement inside, but the cream blinds blurred all else out. There was something of a different vibe in the air, and it wasn't pleasant. I wanted to reach for Edward's hand and seek his protection, but it seemed that they haven't arrived yet.

As we slowed our pace, I began to think clearly, preparing myself to see Jacob. That was the point when I noticed the tall man in dark robes standing beside the open entrance door to the house. He had a tall hat and a short grey beard that seemed unaffected by the wind. His hawk-eyes scanned the space like a lighthouse, until his icy glare saw me.

When we came out of the woods, I slowed my super-run to a walk, Emmett and Rosalie did the same. I took a few steps back to Emmett.

"Do you know that guy?" I asked him just below a whisper, referring to the old man beside Jake's house.

"Hell no," He shrugged, forming an anxious sigh. "But I have a bad feeling about it."

He was right. My stomach began to twist as we approached the house closer and closer. The mysterious man who was by the door stood still as a statue and didn't say a word when we arrived. His glare never lifted off of me. Stealing a quick peek into his eyes as I passed, I saw that they had a watery grey complexion, which was a sure sign he was not a vampire or, more specifically, not from the Volturi.

I seemed to take in a breath as we sank into the darkness of the house.

Inside, it was strangely warm and the atmosphere was thick and damp. Trusting my instinct, I followed to the direction from which I heard voices. The light coming from the large kitchen was blocked by several people who seemed much taller and mightier than me. I didn't bother trying to recognize their faces, even though I could swear one of them was Embry. I struggled to squeeze past their bodies into the light of the room, but the more I delved in, the more people there seemed to squeeze me in between them... Who the hell are they?

"... - orders..." Somebody's voice rung from the back of the room. I didn't see who, but I knew it wasn't Jacob or Carlisle, or anyone else I would know. I attempted to stand on my toes to see past the heads of two guys in front of me, and one other in front of them. There was a tiny space, through which I could see the side of Carlisle's calm expression. Jacob was nowhere to be seen.

"I understand that, sir," Carlisle spoke carefully, but I saw a glint of worry in his eyes. "But it would have been better if you could have supplied us with an early announcement."

Someone grunted. "What difference would it make?" It was a stern voice of a fast-spoken man. "We have not come here to take 'no' for an answer, nor to accept your puny bribes. We act upon rightful law, a category which your kind has failed to deal with."

Rightful law? "Your kind"? Who are these people? Are they even humans?

No matter who they are, I don't see how attacking a werewolf is justified.

I wished to push past the few people ahead and step into the scene, but I was scared right now. What would I say to them? This doesn't seem to concern me in any way.

"I'm sure you are right," Carlisle said again, "yet I see no harm in a half-human child. She is safe in our hands, and shall cause no trouble of concern." Carlisle assured the other speaker...


When Carlisle spoke of 'half-human child' does he mean Renesme?? WAIT WAIT, this whole commotion is about TAKING HER AWAY?!

Before I could act or say anything, I saw Rosalie move from the corner of my eye.

"You're not taking her anywhere." She stepped into the scene with her attitude.

"Unfortunately," The man of authority contained his strict tone, which obviously meant he ignored Rosalie. "We need the signatures of the child's parents. Where are they?"

"Did you hear what I said, old-man?!" Rosalie stormed. I can't believe what she just said, and I heard several people gasp in shock behind me. Well, that's Rosalie people. Better get used to it...

"Now, now..." A new voice, seemingly a woman, tried to cool things down. But after her words, there was dead silence. Not a breath was taken.

What is happening? All I can see is Carlisle's agitated face, no one else.

"What are you going to do to me, with that worthless stick of wood, huh?!" Rosalie hissed, containing some sort of a dare in her voice.

Worthless stick of... Wood?

Carlisle disappeared from my vision, and the white wall was replaced instead of him.

"Rosalie..." He called her calmly. I could just imagine him gently pulling her away from the man. ...What would we do without Carlisle, right?

I heard a forced huff coming from the man, possibly. "Is this is the mother?" He spat out the words. Why in the world would he think that such a terrible person could be the mother of a sweet girl like Renesme? Idiot.

"No, she is not." Carlisle responded as I saw his head walk back into my vision.

"Summon the parents at once, Cullen." The woman from before raised her voice, which wasn't so peaceful anymore, but was more restricted and cold. "We cannot afford to lose more time and patience here."

Unexpectedly, I felt an unpleasant poke on my back, and turned my head to see Emmett eagerly pushing me forward. 'Go.' He said in a whisper and jerked me forward. Idiot.

Stumbling past the tall man before me, I made my appearance into the main scene. My view was unbarred by anonymous personas from all sides, but instead, they were all expectantly looking at me. A little to my left was a pump man with a dark green hat lying upon his large head. Grey hair draped around the edges, accompanied with a pair of think, dark eyebrows that he had. His eyes narrowed in suspicion, but they did not seem evil. He was a tad shorter than me and wore a neat, ash-coloured suit underneath his elegant robe that brushed along the ground.

Everyone waited for me to say something.

I nervously attempted to construct my introduction.

"I... am Bella..." I began, staring blankly at Carlisle's shoes that were a couple of feet before me. "Swan-I mean, Cullen." I waited for someone to say something to break the embarrassing silence, but I knew my sentence didn't sound finished. "I am the mother of... Renseme Cullen..."

If I were human, I would be blushing red right now, but I wasn't. That was one of the many pluses about being a vampire, and I liked it, but I started to worry...

... Why hasn't Edward arrived yet?

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