Twilight Goes To Hogwarts - Chapter VII

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*Wow, it's been what, a little less than a month since I posted the previous chapter? Well anyway, due to popular demand, I made this chapter longer than the previous. I hope you enjoy it, because I sure as hell had LOTS of fun writing it! xD

Thank you for reading folks! :D*

Edward's P.O.V.

The unnamed woman has been examining my face for a while now, having a hard time believing it was really me. But there was someone else in the room, who didn't need an examination and who could see straight through me no matter what I looked like. An employee from the Ministry of Magic, from the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magic Creatures... Amos Diggory... My father.

My father scanned me with his wide eyes, from top to bottom. They glistened in the dim illumination and his lower lip began to quiver. At this moment, my now-dead heart sank when he met my gaze and then threw me into a warm hug.

"Cedric! My son! You are ALIVE!" He sobbed into my shoulder, uncontrollably whispering my name Cedric. It's been years since I hugged my father, my hands wrapped around his back on their own accord. Anything I said flew out automatically...

"I am Cedric, Dad..." I mumbled like a small child.

"B-but how?!" He cried at Carlisle. "I saw his coffin! I saw as it went down into the abyss of the cold ground! He was LIFELESS!"

Carlisle stood still and hesitated to answer. This was a big secret, which I and the Cullen family concealed away all those years. "ANSWER ME!" My father yelled. "I remember you, Carlisle! You were at the funeral! Did you take his body? HOW did you do it?! He was DEAD!"

Carlisle took in a deep breath, casting all nervousness away.

"As you may know, vampire venom must be injected into the blood-stream while the... victim is still conscious." He glanced at me. "Edward's... Cedric's case was different, however."

I expected my father to be boiling with rage, threatening to kill the Cullens with one of the forbidden curses, but instead he stood there, eyes wide with excitement. He also held my hand, visibly trying to squeeze it. Looking him in the face, I was overjoyed inside. I felt like I could be myself again, to be the Cedric I was born and raised to be. No more mysterious-cool-guy Edward...

"Dad?" I called him meekly. Saying the word was so nostalgic, it made me smile.

My Dad immediately reacted and whooshed his attention to my eyes. "Yes, my son? What is it? What do you want to tell me?"

"...I sparkle."

"Cedric, that is..." His expression changed into one that seemed like I had spoken in Chinese. "You... What?"

"I sparkle." I repeated. The feeling was equivalent to something like confessing your virginity. And there were about a dozen people in the room. "In the sunlight - I sparkle, Dad."

He turned to Carlisle, who was visibly struggling to keep a serious face. "He... sparkles?"

Carlisle coughed loudly, trying to mask his laughter.

Oh ha ha.

"Yes. He does." Carlisle faked a solemn voice, as if I had an incurable disease.

My father's snowy eyebrows popped up. "Is that... supposed to be a normal phenomenon among vampires?"

"Well, that's what I meant, about the different circumstances in Cedric's case..." Carlisle sighed noiselessly and leaned against the table behind him. "When he had turned into a vampire, strange glittering substance appeared on his skin. I cannot really diagnose what causes it." Then he added with another cough, "I don't sparkle, by the way."

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