Twilight Goes To Hogwarts - Chapter IX

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*A/N: Cast your memory back to when the wizards first came. They had come to Forks to take Renesme away, but instead they find Cedric Diggory. Alive. Well, in a sense... Now that she is once again remembered, she is requiered to come along to the Ministry of Magic. But why? Why do they need her and what will they do? And most importantly, what does Jacob have to say about it?*

Cedric's P.O.V.

Looking into her scarlet eyes, it was clear to me that she would not take no for an answer. Jacob immediately protested, looking at Bella for support.

"Renesme," I began with a careful voice. "I will be back for a visit, I promise. Stay here with your mother and everyone else."

"No." Renesme shook her head. "I want to be a witch!"

Immediately after hearing this, Jacob rushed to her side and attempted to change her mind.

"What are you gonna do there, Nessie?" He said softly and childishly.

"I'm going to battle evil, with magic!" She fidgeted with excitement. Truth to say, I've never seen her like this. It was remarkable how determined she was. Regardless of her mature mind, she was still a child, and that was evident in the way she acted right now.

"You know what," Bella spoke up. "If she wants to go, let her go."

"WHAT?!" Jacob and I chorused.

"I mean... Why not?"

Before Jacob could reply, I pointed at the bandage across his chest. "You see this? Most wizards can be drawn to conclusions. They have a long history with vampires, too. Who knows what will happen when I'll be confronted at the Ministry of Magic tonight. Renesme is no exception. It's too dangerous for her."

"No it's not!" Renesme cut in. "I want to go!"

Before anyone could say anything more, a tall wizard flew into the room. He faced me, but his eyes swayed to Renesme.

"Mr. Diggory, are you ready to leave? We are all waiting for you."

"I'm coming." I replied under my breath. Since I had already said goodbye to both Bella and Jacob, I headed after the wizard... When Renesme grabbed my hand.

"Please, I want to go with you!" She almost cried, clinging tight to my index finger.

"Renesme..." I shook my head.

"Hold on," The wizard said, squinting his eyes in thought. "Is this the child called Renesme?"

I soon caught on. "Yes, but..."

"Then we must take her with us." The wizard's blue eyes widened with expectation.

"Why?" Jacob did not agree with this, and I knew he wouldn't let her go without a fight. "What do you need her for?"

"I'm sorry, but this is confidential matter, I cannot discuss it with you. Please follow me, Mr. Diggory." He said in monotone and walked out of the room, expecting me to follow.

I was very much aware of what was going on, although I couldn't pin-point the reason for Renesme's presence. Sure enough, she was unique, but what use can she bring to the Ministry? I could've disagreed with it and I did pretty much so. But I couldn't argue with the wizards, who held a much higher status than me. Whatever the Ministry says, must be obeyed. My father is an employee with little power. I could ask him to try to stop this, and maybe I will, but it's a vain chance. It also doesn't help the fact that Renesme actually wants to go. It would be different if she didn't.

When we came into the night, I noticed that there were fewer wizards in the front yard. Some of them have probably left already, only about eleven remained. Once they saw us, they quickly headed towards the forest, their darks cloaks made them look like they were levitating.

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