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Amaya gulped before turning the arrowhead to face them all. The symbol was visible, and the team understood everything.

The bird symbol had its wings extended, the beak slightly opened with the talons on its feet extended. Amaya knew her animals well.

"This symbol, it's a Falcon."

"That can only mean-" Nate started as Stein interrupted him.

"Camilla is the fourth member of the legion."


"Why can't I wear the mind controlling device? I think it would suit me," Callie noted, gently placing the attachment on to Rip's face as Damien huffed beside her. Callie and Rip shared a small smile before turning to look at the blonde man who was holding three swords in his hands.

"Because he's the strategist, and you're the muscle in this situation," Damien told her, allowing her for first pick of the swords. The platinum blonde girl smirked, instantly reaching for the darkest bladed sword. She could tell from her league training that it had the best weight evening across the weapon and she knew it would handle perfectly in her hands.

Damien picked his sword before passing the remaining one to Rip; they all knew he was probably the least to notice the weight differences in the sword. The blonde man turned to face Callie, raising an eyebrow and holding his sword extended slightly in front of him as an invitation to duel.

Callie smirked, throwing herself forward and allowing her blade to crash against his own. They lunged back and forth, tilting and ducking to avoid the sharp slices of the blades. Eventually, Callie managed to trip Damien up and held the tip of her sword against his neck. The man was surprised, he hadn't realised that she truly had been one of the leagues best fighters, but this only proved it.

"Sorry to interrupt your playtime," Rip spoke, pushing himself up into the saddle of the black horse that he had been holding on to. "But it's time for us to catch a king," he continued, allowing Callie to swing up on to the saddle behind him as Damien mounted his own horse, his stupid knight's armour tinkling as he moved.

Callie rolled her eyes, tucking her hair into her full black face mask - a gift from Thawne when he had returned with Rip. He mentioned something about being used by a speedster before but she ignored it.


"Still think this is just a story?"

"This place shouldn't exist!" Nate argued back as the team walked to stand in front of the round table. He was dressed remarkably different to the rest, having already had Genevieve refer to him as a leper. The team all bowed politely to whom they understood to be King Arthur, but the man simply laughed and waved them off.

"There's no need of that here. We're all equal in the court of Camelot," he shouted loudly, smiling widely at the group.

"That's why I love this guy," Ray whispered to Sara, the blonde simply smiling at his childlike excitement over his favourite fictional character.

"Our paths crossed in the wood while tracking the Black Knight and his acquaintance, Your Grace," Genevieve told her husband, looking back at the strange team she had followed in the forest.

"How then are we to know that they're not in league with those vile rogues?" The King shouted, suddenly being struck with the paranoia that they were insiders for the Black Knight and his apprentice that had been taking and killing his men recently.

"Ray?" Sara nudged the man, knowing he would be the best to respond in this situation.

"Your Grace, I swear we are not your enemies. We are warriors on a quest, a race against evil!"

falcon [sara lance] ✔Where stories live. Discover now