chapter two

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I kept staring at the picture on the wall of Rick and I. I couldn't help but wonder why all good things must come to a end.

We aren't the perfect couple by any means at all.

Everything was so good the first few months we got together I felt like I was on cloud nine and I didn't plan on falling off either.

I guess my future had other plans for me instead, because after awhile he started to cheat on me.

I knew he slept around before I got with him but I kinda hoped he had quit guess not.

We've been together for eight years now and we're still going strong.

I heard the front door open I looked over to see it was only rick.

Hey babe I thought you would be sleeping it's kinda late he said.

Well rick I could say the same thing for you to I answered.

He smiled at me I'm sorry I lost track of time you know how Joe gets when he starts talking you can't get him to shut up.

I looked at his neck to see a fresh hickey that wasn't there this morning.

I don't care about you being out late or being out at all, all I care about is the fact that you lied and cheated on me.

Babe I didn't cheat on you he tried to defend himself.

Rick you have a new hickey on your neck and it's not from me.

He went to say something but closed his mouth. Goodnight Rick I'm sleeping in the guest room.

I turned around and started walking down the hall, opening the door to see the lonely bed.

I turned the TV on and crawled into bed.

I laid there and cried my eyes out I cried so much I fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning feeling completely drained.

I didn't want to get out of bed but I knew I had to.

Climbing out of bed my feet hit the soft carpet, walking out the door into the hallway.

It was really quiet I walked into me and Rick's bedroom to find him not in there .

I walked over to the bathroom jumping into the shower.

I turned the water off and wrapped a towel around my body, stepping out I walked back into the bed room.

I slipped on a grey April wine shirt and blue ripped jeans and my heeled boots.

I hurried up and brushed my hair and put my make up on.

I walked down the hallway reaching the living room.

I saw Rick sleeping on the couch his head was buried underneath his pillow and a blanket wrapped around him.

Not wanting to wake him up I quietly sat down on the love seat. I grabbed the remote off the coffee table and began to find something on TV.

Settling on the nightmare on elm Street. I heard Rick shuffling around on the couch.

Glancing over I seen him sitting up rubbing his face with his hands.

Hey Kris I'm sorry I really am I know I've told you that a million times but honestly I couldn't imagine my life without you I'm sorry he said.

I walked over to him and sat on his lap I gave him a kiss.

I forgive you Ricky but promise you'll try to stop hurting me I asked.

I promise babe I promise.

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