chapter three

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No no! That's not the way it suppose to sound Joe yelled frustrated.

Glancing up from the magazine I was looking at what's wrong Joe?

He looked over at me this is stupid song the vocals don't sound right he answered.

Well calm down and try again you'll get it you know recording takes time.

Yeah time I don't have guys I'm taking a break Joe told the rest of the band.

Kris come with me please. I nodded getting up from my seat I tossed the magazine on the table and followed Joe out of the studio.

So how are you and Rick? We're okay could be doing better though.

Don't you ever wonder what would've happened if I would've never begged you to go to that show he asked.

I laughed yeah actually I do sometimes I would probably be with another guy probably a rock star trying to make it.

You do have a thing for rock stars joe replied.

Well not all rock stars my heart only belongs to one your jerk of a best friend.

He smiled and nodded his head. So when do you think the album will be finished?

Hopefully within the next couple of days I'm excited for it to be released.

You should be you guys have been working really hard on it.

I heard a lot of commotion and looked to see Rick,Steve,Phil, and Rick (sav) walking out of the studio being really loud.

Jesus why are you being so loud for? I swear sometimes I felt more like their babysitter

We're practicing for the show steve said more as a question.

I raised my eyebrow, practicing for the show really? Yeah that's what we're doing aren't we boys he asked.

Phil quickly answered no we're not and I'm not lying Steve she's mean.

I smiled at Steve see some people appreciate my rudeness.

I appreciate it to. I know someone who appreciates your bedroom skills he said smirking.

I glanced over at Rick to see him smirking as well. The boys made a chorus of oh's.

Steve you're absolutely crazy I said laughing at him.

Since we're done for the day because Joe that was the longest break in the world. How about we all go out to eat Phil suggested.

One the break was not that long and two yes I'm starving Joe replied.

We headed our long journey to the restaurant.

It's not the best but I have the flu and have battaling it for over a week now. I hope you like the chapter

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