chapter five

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I opened my eyes to see the sun shining through the hotel room curtains I forgot to close.

I put my hand in front of my eyes to block the light, I sat up in bed yawning I looked over to my right to see Rick fast asleep.

Getting I walked over to the bathroom getting a quick shower
I got dressed, fixed my hair and makeup.

I walked out of the bathroom to see Rick gone he must've gotten up and got dressed already .

I walked down to Joe's room to see if he was awake yet, I knocked on the door when I heard a come in come from inside.

I opened the door walking on I saw Joe, Rick (allen), Steve, Phil, Julianna the bands stylist, and Rick.

There's my beautiful best friend Joe said to excitedly. Joe walked over and swooped me into a hug.

You're really lovey dovey today you feeling okay I asked putting my hand to his forehead.

Yes ma'am I'm just in a good mood I have Wonderful friends, my band is doing extremely well he said.

He met a new girl last night and he really likes her Phil blurted out.

I smiled well look at you go elliot finally gonna get yourself a serious girl now are you?

I'm thinking about it her name is Karla she's a model she's wonderful and she's so sweet and nice he said babbling on like a love sick puppy.

I know her Joe I've done photo shoots with her before she's a lovely person I stated.

He smiled to let me know he agreed with me I tired towards Rick to see him not even noticing I was in the room He was all over Julianna.

Joe followed my gaze he sighed he's been hanging out with her a lot here lately I've been keeping an eye on the two he said.

I gave him a small smile it's okay it's probably nothing anyway their just friends I said hopeful.

Rick Allen walked over hey Kris we are all gonna go swim in the pool go ask sav if he wants to come down with us?

I walked over to Rick and tapped him on the shoulder, he turned to look over at me hey babe when did you get here?

I felt anger slowly grow inside me but I tried to push it away.

I've been in here for awhile now Rick anyway the guys and I are gonna go swimming down at the pool and we wanna know if you want to come?

Yeah sure I'll come he turned to look at Julianna you wanna come swim he said giving her that smile that drives me crazy.

She smiled back and replied I would love to. I rolled my eyes kinda pissed off and walked back to the guys waiting.

He's coming and so is Julianna I said. We know we heard and we him Joe said giving me a small smile.

Don't worry about let's get into some swimming suit hit the pool I said.

I walked back into Rick and I hotel room I slipped on a black bikini that went well with my dark complexion I put on a pair a blue shorts and a white shirt.

I heard the door open to see Rick walk in he looked at me but didn't say anything he walked over and grabbed his swimming trunks.

I sighed not wanting to deal with him right now as I went to walk towards the door I heard him say something.

I turned around to face him did you say something? I asked.

Yeah I said I love you he replied.
I love you to Rick always and forever I said as I walked out the door and headed towards the pool.

I saw the guys already swimming. Hey you were supposed to wait for me I yelled.

They looked over at me sorry we wanted to swim really bad Phil replied.

I smiled shaking my head at these goofballs. Julianna and Rick walked out he had his arm wrapped around her waist.

Ignored it I didn't really want to think what Joe and I were thinking was going on.

I slipped of my shirt and shorts I felt someone piercing a hole through me turning I saw Rick staring right at me.

I smiled at him before jumping in the pool with the guys.
Joe picked me up and dunked me under water.

I came back up to surface gasping for air I turned to him laughing like a luantic. I glared at him and pushed his head under water.

He came back to the surface okay it's not funny when it happens to you he admitted.

I nodded my head, Rick and Julianna got into the water sometime after.

We all kept swimming around and just overall having a good time until Rick and Julianna had to ruin it for everybody.

After awhile Rick completely isolated himself to the corner of the pool with Julianna. They were all over each other.

The guys started to pick up on it and realized Julianna and Rick had a thing for each other you could tell.

She was hanging on his arm and laughing at everything he said and it was really starting to piss me the fuck off.

I was talking to Joe about the tour when he glanced at something behind me he got a shocked and scared look on his face I ignored it thinking it was one of the guys messing around until he told me not to look behind me.

Curious as to why he said it I looked behind me and saw what he was talking about and I wished I wouldn't have.

Rick had Julianna pressed up against the wall of the pool as they were both staring into each other's eyes, when they started to lean towards each other to kiss that's when I lost my cool.

I quickly swimmed over to them I pulled Rick back by his shoulder before their lips had a chance to meet and I slapped him across the face.

Now I normally don't believe in hitting a guy but I lost it.

He looked shocked then angry. What the fuck was that for kristen! He yelled.

Are you fucking serious Richard I'm literally on the other side of the pool and you want to fucking kiss her in front of me I yelled back.

I let you ignore me all day over her and I didn't say anything I let you to hang all over each other and still didn't say anything I didn't say anything when. You two kept flirting even though it was pissing me off, but I will not let you kiss another fucking woman in front of me I yelled.

He had a shocked look on his face while Julianna looked guilty, the guys were all looking worried.

I'm sorry Kris you know I never I cut him off yeah I know you never meant to I said I'm leaving and heading back home I have photo coming up anyway I mumbled as tears began to fall.

I wiped the tears away as I climbed out of the pool I heard some shuffling before I heard Rick telling Steve to let him go and Steve telling him to let me go.

I walked into the hotel room quickly Changing into dry clothes I packed up my stuff and walked out of the room.

Joe was standing in the hallway I didn't say anything but cry he grabbed me and pulled me into his chest wrapping his arms around me I dropped the suitcase and I sobbed like a baby into my best friends chest.

I pulled away and wipe my eyes Kris I know it hurt to that because he's cheated so many times before but if you have to leave leave but please don't give up on you guys yet he begged.

I'm not joe my voice cracked I just need some time I knew something was going on but I just wanted to be they were just friends and not trying to shag each other I said.

Tell him I love him and I'll call him when I get home and we'll talk then I said, I kissed Joe on the cheek and took a taxi to the airport.

Catching the earliest flight back to Sheffield, I landed and began my journey to my sister's house.

I hope you like it.

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