chapter four

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two months later 

It's been two months and the band just released their album hysteria, so far the album has been selling good.

Along with the album came with a tour although sav tried his hardest to get me to go with him i couldn't leave my job behind.

It's also been two months since I've talked to him as well me turning down his offer to go with him caused a major fight and we haven't spoke since. The guys have tried to get us talking but no luck.

I was currently watching mtv with my sister nichole.

Kris you need to be the bigger person and call him, no Nikki he started the fight over nothing he wouldn't leave his tour over my career.

It is something he just wanted to be able to see you while he is away he's gonna be gone until September of next year possibly even longer she replied.

I sighed knowing she was right I know nikki but I'm tired of being the bigger person.

That's what you signed up for when you said yes to going out with him don't be stupid and let a eight year relationship end over something so stupid she stated.

Nichole continued watching mtv but I couldn't focus on the music videos right now all I could think of was him. If I should call or wait for him to call it was so fustrating.

I was slowly going losing my mind just as motley Crue video for looks that kill came on the phone started to ring.

I picked the phone up off the hook and pressed it against my ear.

Hello I answered no Richard you're gonna talk to her mate I heard Joe yelled.

I don't want to Joe and you're not going to make me he replied.

Why because over some stupid fight she'll meet up with us at some point she always does Rick and you know it.

Uh guys Phil yelled she's on the phone I heard Phil say.

I heard some shuffling before a voice said hello on the line.

Hey Rick I'm sorry I said

He sighed and said no I'm sorry I shouldn't have gotten mad over something so silly.

It's okay Rick I'll try to meet up with you guys sometime this tour i replied.

I would love that darling how's everything been these last two months?

It's been crazy I haven't really had a minute to myself with working and worrying about us, hanging out with Nichole.

I'm sorry babe tell Nichole I said hi I have to go we have an interview in ten minutes love you talk to you later.

I love you too bye I said hanging up the phone. I looked over at Nichole to see her with a huge smile on her face.

Shut up don't say it I said laughing.

Two weeks later

I'm finally able to meet up with the guys on tour, I talked to Joe and we agreed on me flying out to London.

He wasn't telling any one so it could be a surprise, I was waiting for the show to start as I stood in line waiting for to get my pass

Name? This bald guy asked

Kristen Carter I replied he nodded and handed me the all access areas pass placing it around my neck I began my journey through the arena.

I saw Joe paitently waiting up against the wall by the stage door.

I walked over to see him light up when he saw me. Hey Kris I missed you he said while giving me a hug.

I missed you to Joe, are you ready Kris it's gonna be a wild night?

Yeah I'm ready we began our journey through the door until we reached under the stage I was scared I knew the rumors were true about the topless woman.

Joe looked over at me don't worry Kris there's nobody down here yet but us guys.

Sighing a breath of relief I walked in to Phil and Steve sitting on a couch warming up their fingers, Rick was sitting in a chair next to sav talking.

Guys I have someone I would like you to meet Joe said no one paid attention as they were to indulged in what they were doing.

Fine then I guess I'll just go back home I said they snapped their heads turning to look at me with smiles on their faces they ran towards me.

Oh you pay attention when she talks Joe said his voice breaking.

Sav ran to me and pulled me in for a kiss, I missed you Kris I've been going crazy with out you.

I missed you to you got me for the rest of the tour I said.

He smiled and whispered finally as the guys hollered.

Hope you guys like it.

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