21.your first agument

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Rip hunter:
"You were flirting with Sara again"he said to you angry
"She's my best friend rip"you said back "yeah right is that your excuse " he shouted " you spend more time with her then you do with me "
"Fine if you think like that will sleep in my own bunker "you shouted back storming out the room

Ray palmer:
"Why are you always flirting with Kendra " you asked ray
"I'm not she's flirting with me " he answered
"Yeah right " you said sarcasticly
"What is wrong With you " ray asked almost shouting "why are you being such a jealous girlfriend"
"Mabey you should tip flirting with Kendra" you said back to him shouting
You to argued until jax came in and said rip wanted the team in the brig

Lenard Snart:
"I cant believe you hit me with you freez gun " you said to Lenard in the med bay
"I didn't you got in the way u was shooting " he said back
"What were you even shooting" you asked
"I Don'tknow" he mumbled quietly
" What I didn't hear you " you said
"I DON'T KNOW" he shouted leaving the room

Mick Rory:
You Sara and Ray were in rips office talking about the next mission when you all left Rip grabbed your hand and pulled you close to him you wondered what was gaped then you realised rip was going to kiss you. Suddenly yours and rips lips were connected.
"Y/N" you hear Mick say. You turn around and see Mick standing there
"Mick" you say as he leaves the room .
"Y/N I'm so..."rip says
"I cant believe you did that" you say interrupting rip.
You go after Mick to Make sure he wasn't hurting anyone because you know whenever he's upset he states hurting people. He wasn't in and bob the corridors so he was going to be in your shared bunker. When you went in you saw him packing up his things
"Mick what are you doing " you asked him
"Packing" he said
"Why" you asked
He put his last thing in his box and said "your cheating on me with rip "
"No I'm not" you said "he kissed me not the other way round"
Mick didn't say anything back just left

Sara lance:
You and Sara were training each other when all off a sudden she hit you so hard and knocked you out. The next thing you knew you woke up in the medbey
"How long have I bean in here " yo say to your self
"2 days" you here someone say you looked up you saw it was Sara
"I cant believe you knocked me out" you say joking
"I didn't mean to " Sara said back as if you weren't joking
"You shouldn't of hit me so hard " you say as a joke hoping she knew it was just a joke. You didn't get an answer

Jefferson Jaxon :
As you and firestorm were fighting savage were fighting one of his partners and firestorm was fighting savage him self. when firestorm was about to fire at savage he went behind you and firestorm hit you. When the team had finished fighting Jax brought you to the MedBay
"Hey are you okay?" He asked
"Yeah" you said "what happened to savage?"
"He's in the cell" Jax answered
"You hit me really hard" You say to Jax
"I didn't mean to" jax said back to you "savage went behind you and I forgot you were there"
"Maybe next time you should remember" you say to jax leaving the room
"where are you going" jax asked you
"To talk to savage" you answer

Nate Haywood :
You came into the library and you see Nate and Amaya kissing you felt like you were going to be sick " Nate" you say as his and Amaya's lips disconnect.
"Y/N' Nate says as you run out of the room. You run to your bunker Nate follows you
"I can't believe your cheating on me"
You say to Nate
"I'm not she just kissed me I had nothing to do with it starting"Nate says to you
"Yeah but you enjoyed it didn't you"
You say to Nate "I will go to a different Buncker tonight" you say leaving the room

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