136. Zari Tomaz catchup

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How you meet~

You sat in the bridge waiting for everyone to come back from the mission, you were the one chosen to stay on the ship and made sure, Gary didn't do anything stupid as the whole team expected him too. The team came on and brought a women with them, the woman was the person you guessed was the person Gary was meant to make sure nothing happened to, so the timeline didn't change. "Who are you?" She asked you
"Y/F/N Y/L/N," you said "I'm guessing you Zari Tomaz,"
"The one and only," she said back
"Nice to meet you," she said and you nodded and smiled
"Right back at you I guess," you said and tired your attention to Sara

When you realise you like them~

You saw Zari sat in the bridge, "hey," you said
"Hey Y/F/N" she said back "you okay?" She asked
"Fine, whey you ask?" I say
"You just seem upset that's all," she said
"I'm fine, I promise." You say, she is so sweet, you thought, am I getting feelings for Zari, your think to yourself as you walk away. Yeah I am

Your first kiss~

You sat in the bridge and Zari can in obviously looking for Zari. "Hey," you said to her
"Have you seen Sara," she asked
"No sorry," you said and got up starting to head for your room
"Hey (Y/F/N), wait a second," Zari said to you and walked over
"What do you need," you asked
"This," she said and kissed you, you kissed back of course you loved her with all your heart, she pulled away which you did not like,
"Thanks," she said and walked away continuing to look for Sara
"Wow," you said to yourself

Your first argument~

"You placed a program on the wave rider to detect if you did anything that made your brother still be alive," you confirmed what Zari just said
" (Y/F/N)" she said
"Why," you asked
"Gideon, what would happen if Zari's brother was still alive," you asked the A.I
"This version of Miss Tomaz, would be erased from reality and replaced by a new one, Miss (Y/L/N)," the A.I answered
"Thanks Gideon," you said "see that's why you don't mess with history," Your attention was now back on Zari
"I didn't know," she said
"I don't care if you didn't know, Sara and I have told you multiple time not to mess with history, but you just don't listen do you," you shouted
"I'm sorry," she said
"Are you really though," you said and walked away
"(Y/F/N)," she called after you but you didn't look back.

You make up~

You were stood in the bridge after you and the team had just finished a mission, Zari came over to me "anything happened that made your brother come back?" You asked sarcastically knowing If he did she would be gone from my life, that's why You got so mad You don't want her to leave me
"(Y/F/ N)," she said " I'm sorry,"
"Will you get rid of the program?" You asked and then saw her shake her head
"Okay but don't purposely change anything," you asked
"I won't," she said and moved closer to me
"Also It wasn't just the fact that you were changing the time line, I don't won't to lose you Zari," you said
"I will never leave you," she said and placed her lips in yours

Where they like to kiss you + where you like to kiss them~

You call her- Babe
She calls you- princess

How they annoy you + How you annoy them~

How she annoys you- she takes your favourite hat
How you annoy her- you play with her necklace

You find out you can adopt and you tell them~

You looked at the envelope in front of you, you opened it and smiled and started to get excited, you were going to be able to adopt, you were so happy and it made you even happier knowing that you were going to be there when Zari finds out and you loved seeing her happy. You walked to your and Zari's  room  since you opened the letter in the kitchen
"Hey Zari, I Have something for you," you smiled and handed the letter.
"What is it princess?" She asked taking the letter, she read it with a straight face and then got to the part where You smiled and she started to smile and then got excited
"We can adopt," she said and embraced you in a hug
"I know, I'm so excited," you said and connect her lips to yours.

Your child's /children's name~

1 Girl
Girl- Jessica Lily Tomaz

Who you make god parents~

Nate Heywood and Sara Lance

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