36.you get drunck

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Rip hunter:
As you open your 5th beer you start jumping and dancing on rips desk.
"Careful Y/N" Rip says to you "you might hurt yourself". You don't listen to him and you just try to drag him up but he stays down on his chair so you carry on dancing bye yourself. you fell of the table but instead of getting backup you fell asleep and Rip carried you to his bed. In the morning you woke up and you had one hell of a headache you asked Rip "what happened last night"
he said "you got really drunk and you fell of my desk while dancing on it"
You laughed and went to kiss him"

Ray Palmer:
You were in your 3rd glass of wine when you began to get really drunk you were sitting in yours and rays bunker and you were wanting to kiss ray real bad "Do you know you are really drunk" ray said
"Dose it matter" you say trying to act sexy. You begin to bite your lips and ray says "no I guess not" you smile and you go to kiss him. He breaks up the kiss and says "you should get some rest".you smile and say "only if you come into my bed and stay with me all night"
"Maybe not all night" ray says kissing you
"Okay" you say

Lenard Snart:
You were sitting in the kitchen with Lenard and Sara and you were really drunk and you started to dance on the table Sara told you to get of the table but Lenard couldn't help but laugh when Lenard began to get drunk he went onto the table and began to dance with you. Sara just walked out of the room and shook her head. You fell of the table and usually you could handle the pain but because you were so drunk you began to cry ray and Rip came into the kitchen and saw you on the floor "you should go to bed" ray said to you and helped you to your bunker when you were in there you pushed ray up against the wall and started to kiss him
"Y/N" ray said "stop"
"Why" you said to him "I love you so much more than Lenny plus don't you have a little crush on me"
"No" ray lied "but you are drunk
"Tell the truth" you say to ray
"Fine okay I might have a little crush on you but you ..." he couldn't finish since you were kissing him.
"Just shut up" you say to ray " and kiss me".you and him kiss until you fall asleep which was pretty soon. The next morning you couldn't remember much but you could remember what you said to ray. You go to tell ray that what you said and did to ray was crazy and wasn't meant to happen he nodded his head and said "I know". You smiled and Lenard came in and said to ray "stop hitting on my girl" you kissed him passionately

Mick Rory:
You and mick where both a little drunk you more than him.you laughed at everything even his awful jokes you started to dance around your room and you and him went to your shared bunker he pushed you up against the wall and you started kissing you jumped up and put your legs around him "miss Y/L/N" you heard a familia voice say
"Yes Gideon" you say
"I have calculated your actions and I would say you are drunk and you should get some sleep"
You laughed and said "okay maybe later Gideon" you continue you to kiss Mick while sitting on you're bed. The next thing you knew you lye down and go to sleep with Mick beside you.

Sara lance
You and Sara were in the bridge having some beer and you easily got drunk since you didn't really drink much and you were drunk you laughed when Sara said "Y/N you are so drunk" you start dancing around the bridge and you sit next to Sara and start to kiss her she kissed you back but you stop when she did "what's wrong" Sara asked
"Nothing" you say kissing her again.

Jefferson Jaxon:
You and Jefferson were sitting in your bunker and you had loads of beer with you and you were really drunk and you were Singing loud and awfully to him
"Shhhh" Jax said " you know we are under age and we shouldn't be drinking"
You smile and start to kiss him "I don't care Mick would be so proud of us" you say jokingly "you are drunk too aren't you Jefferson"
"Maybe" he says and smirks
"My farther already knows we are drinking beer" you laugh

Nate Haywood:
You and Nate were sitting in the library you haven't had a lot to drink but you got drunk so easily. You were sitting on the desk in the library with you arms around Nate and you were kissing him "you must be so drunk" Nate said to you " we never kiss in the Library"
"I'm not drunk" you say back to Nate "I just  love you so much" Nate shrugs his shoulders and starts kissing you again.

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