Day 16 - Someone That Is Not In My State/Country

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Hey Izzie, how's it going?

Now you live in Australia which I'm like completely jealous of!

What's Australia like? The weather? The people? I don't know.

Is it true crocodiles lurk around? What's an Aussie BBQ like?

Now this I don't understand - Australia quite literally has everything; great weather/ people/ food/ tourism - the whole ba-bam, so why do SO many Aussi'rs have a thing about moving to UK?! I mean you must be mad! We have shit weather! We have rude people. Britain is fucked up! I mean I don't see anything amazing to it! Celebrities - that's possibly about it, they all move to America though.

I don't really know where to go about with this letter which I kind of awkward, simply as I don't know what to say, answer my questions! :o). I chose you as your from my favourite place in the world and your an inspirational Watter!

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