Empire State of Mind

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In New York
Concrete jungle where dreams are made of
There's nothing you can't do
Now you're in New York
These streets will make you feel brand new
Big lights will inspire you
Let's hear it for New York, New York, New York
——Empire State Of Mind, Jay Z. ft. Alicia Keys

February 2, 2018

They'd arrived in New York, a city that never seemed to lose its appeal for Grayson.  He was always enthralled by the sights, sounds and even the smells of this city.  And he knew that this was Cait's second home.  He was continually amazed at the way she could move effortlessly from the country girl in jeans who grew up on a ranch, to the Olympic athlete in workout gear, to the city girl in designer clothes. 

They had practice at Madison Square Garden, which was an experience for the freshmen, and had gotten checked into their hotel.  Coach was giving them a little time to explore, but the game was at noon tomorrow, so he was enforcing an early curfew. 

Grayson gave the kids a lecture about being safe, paying attention to their surroundings and making sure they could get back to the hotel.  And he made sure their phones were charged so they could call if they needed to.  But he had plans of his own, so he wasn't going to baby sit them.  They really did have to grow up sometime. 

He'd heard from his parents that they'd arrived and were at Cait's penthouse, so he headed over there with Brennan and Justin.  Fortunately, they were both a bit more skilled at navigating the City.  Brennan led the way on the short walk. 

The streets of New York always had their own kind of energy and Grayson loved it.  They walked through Times Square, ignoring the people hawking bus tours and comedy clubs and headed east, quickly arriving at Bryant Park. 

Grayson wasn't too sure that he'd been to Bryant Park before.  Brennan explained that it was near the New York Public Library, between Times Square and Grand Central.  The Park was small, but pretty and a bit peaceful compared to the bustling streets that surrounded it, and Brennan led them through the park to the door to the building. 

If Grayson had thought to expect something sleek and modern, he would have been disappointed.  The building was old, but with beautiful architectural details.  A uniformed doorman opened the door and greeted him immediately.  "Mr. Allen," he smiled, "we've been expecting you.  Are these two gentlemen guests of yours?"

"Uh, y-yeah," Grayson managed.

"Very well."  He let them all in.  "Let me get you your keys. Ms. Callahan left instructions that you're to be on the list of residents." He handed Grayson keys and a swipe card and had him sign for them. "The elevators are just to the right.  You'll want to take one to the top floor.  Use the swipe card in the elevator to access that level.  I'll let your parents know that you've arrived.  And please tell Ms. Callahan that we're looking forward to seeing her next month."

"I will.  Thank you," Grayson returned his smile and they headed into the white marble lobby and to the elevator. 

"Wild that you get to see this place before Cait does," Justin grinned at him.  "And there's a Chipotle right next door.  That's awesome."

Grayson's head was frankly spinning.  Penthouses and uniformed doormen really weren't his thing.  And apparently he was a resident. But they got on the elevator, swiped the card and punched the button. 

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