Chapter 13

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Keegan's POV

I couldn't stop my hands from trembling as Nick and I walked towards the coach's office. Why, why, why did Christian have to say anything?! Oh, God... After this, Nick will... I braved a glance towards Nick, and I quickly regretted it. His mouth was scrunched in a scowl, and he glared at me with murder in his eyes. 

We sat down when we arrived at the Coach's office, we sat down, all three of us silent. Finally, the coach cleared his throat. "Nick, anything you'd like to say?"

Nick turned away, crossing his arms. The coach sighed. "I can't have that here, son. Bullying is against the school policy. If we find out it's become anything physical, we might have to suspend you."

Nick's eyes flashed, and he turned. "It's not my fault! He's the one who's attracted to other guys! I'm just trying to protect myself from his advances."

I gaped at Nick, and the coach seemed surprised as well, but he quickly covered it with a cough. "Well, regardless of anyone's sexuality, we still don't condone that behavior here. Especially when it's because of what someone is or does. We can't bully anyone here just because they like the same gender. I'll have to report this to the principal, and you'll be facing consequences." The coach sighed. "Wish I didn't have to do this. You are one of the star players on the team. But, the team will have to make do without you."

After that, the coach dismissed us. Before I left, he handed me a late pass for my next class. Nick sent me several murderous glares as we walked out, storming off with a growl. I stood in the doorway for a moment, my heart pounding. "So? How'd it go?"

I jumped, turning to see Christian leaning against the wall. He gave me a sheepish grin. "I... I thought I'd wait out here, since you looked so afraid earlier. I wanted to make sure you were okay."

A blush crept onto my face, but I looked away. "I thought you didn't want to see me anymore."

Christian looked shocked. "What gave you that idea?"

"You said you wanted to stop the lessons." Honestly, I don't blame him. I'm surprised he even bothered with me.

Christian blushed, and quickly grabbed my arm, pulling me away from the door. He led me to the field, scratching his neck awkwardly. "Well... That was... I... I couldn't forget it."

"Forget what?"

He blushed deeper. "The kiss."

Then it was my turn to blush. Swallowing, I tugged at my shirt. "But... Why did you do that?"

"... Because I love you."

Christian peeked at me, biting his lip. My eyes went wide, and he quickly rambled on. "I mean, I've been interested in you for a while. I was always watching you in gym. I wanted to know more about you. The throwing lessons were an excuse to get close to you. I know this sounds weird, and I'm sorry for rambling, but I just really, really, really wanted to tell you." 

When he was done, he blushed harder, looking down to hide his face. "I know I sound kind of stupid, but I really do love you."

Before I could say anything, he let out a frustrated sigh. "This isn't at all how I wanted to confess!"

I let out a giggle. All his rambling had made me feel less nervous. It was kind of... cute. Christian stiffened as I laughed, the blush on his face painfully obvious. Taking a breath, I stepped closer. "How did you want to confess?"

Christian's eyes moved down to my lips. "I... I wanted to ask if you'd where my jersey for the last home game."

"Yes." I let out a breathy reply. 

A smile lit up Christian's face, and I blush. Before anything else could happen, Christian grabbed my waist, pulling me into a kiss. I let out a gasp, but it was quickly swallowed by Christian. After a minute, we pulled away, both of us breathing heavily. I looked down, embarrassed. "Um... I should... Probably get to class."


But neither of us moved. Finally, I looked up at Christian, and we smiled. Leaning close, Christian gave me one final kiss before we both rushed off to class.


All through art, I couldn't think about anything except Christian. I would find myself imagining his face, sketching it mindlessly onto a piece of scratch paper. But, then I'd snap out of my haze, blushing as I scratched out his face. Benny would give me strange looks from time to time before scowling and turning away, but I paid no attention to him.

Sighing, I leaned my head agaisnt the table as the teacher rambled on. Christian's jersey... I've never been to a football game, so I wouldn't know what was going on, but I can at least be there to support him, right? Isn't that what lovers do? My head shot up, my cheeks burning as I shook my head. We aren't lovers. At least, I don't think we are. Christian confessed, but I don't really know what's supposed to happen now. I'm kind of new at this whole dating thing. My hand reached up, touching my lips gently. The kiss had set me on fire. I couldn't focus on anything but Christian at that moment. Is this what dating is like? I like it. 

After what felt like forever, the bell finally rang, and I rushed out of class. My eyes searched the halls for two people; Christian, and Nick. I don't think he's done with me, especially after the punishment he just received. The home game means everything to him. Not being able to play... "Keegan?"

I turned, startled, to a worried Christian. He furrowed his brow. "You okay? You look nervous."

Nodding, I scurried off towards my locker. When I got there, I was surprised to see that Christian had followed behind, peeking at my locker curiously. He cringed when he saw all the rude names and insults carved into the metal. Embarrassed, I grabbed my bag and quickly rushed to the bus loop. Before I could get on my bus, Christian pulled me to the other side of the building, hiding us away behind the wall. He wrapped his arms around my waist, making me look him in the eyes. "I'm sorry."

"It wasn't your fault."

"But I could have stopped it sooner."

Shrugging, I became more aware of how close our bodies were pressed against each other. Christian seemed to notice my tension and gave me an evil smile before pulling me closer. I yelped, blushing as I hit his chest. "Christian!"

He laughed, leaning down to press our lips together. We kissed for a moment, before he pulled away, hooded eyes staring down at me. He licked his lips before speaking. "Does this mean you'll go out with me?"

I said nothing, burying my face in his chest.

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