Chapter 19

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Keegan's POV

When I woke up, I was trapped. I tried moving, but something around my waist kept me down on the bed. I pushed myself up on my arm, looking down to see that the something around my waist was actually an arm. Following it with my eyes, I froze when I saw Christian's sleeping form. 

My heart sped up, my face growing hot as I smiled softly. I leaned down, watching his chest rise and fall while he slept. Nervously, I placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. "Good morning." I whispered, not wanting to wake him. Turning around in bed, I wiggled out from under his arm and began to slide off the mattress when something grabbed me around the waist. I yelped, suddenly being pulled back down to the bed. I shut my eyes as I hit the mattress, a dark form climbing on top of me. I peeked up and saw Christian smiling at me. I blinked, shocked. "I thought you were asleep?"

"So you told me good morning?" He had this pleased look on his face as he kissed my cheek, like I had done. "You should do that when I'm awake." He whispered against my ear.

I shivered. "But... You were awake."

"But you didn't know that." He raised a brow. I huffed, placing my hands against his chest to push him away. It was at that point in time that I realized he was shirtless. My hands twitched against his bare skin, tanned and warm. I stared at his chest for a moment before I tried to pull my hands away. Christian grabbed one hand with his own, using his other to hold himself up. He pulled my hand back against his chest, and I could feel his warmth, his heart beat thumping against my hand. I swallowed, listening to the rapid pace of his heart before looking up at him. He had an intense look in his eyes that made me want to look away. He leaned close, his lips brushing mine. 

"BOYS!! BREAKFAST!!" We jumped apart at the sound of Christian's mom, Meredith, calling us down. 

Christian grumbled for a moment, planting a kiss on my lips before calling back. "BE RIGHT DOWN!!" I winced and he gave me a small smile. "Sorry."

I shook my head, turning away. "Just... Pleaseputashirton." I spoke quickly, covering my face in embarrassment.

Christian chuckled, kissed my head, then got out of the bed. I waited until I heard him rustling through his closet before I got out of bed. I walked towards the door, only to trip over something. I looked at my overnight bag lying on the floor, remembering  I was still in Christian's jersey. I opened the bag, grabbing a shirt and dressing, folding the jersey. Setting it on the bed, I glanced at Christian, who pouted. "Couldn't you have kept it on?"

"I... I don't want to ruin it. Come on, let's go downstairs." I took his hand and led the way downstairs. 

Meredith smiled at us as we entered the kitchen, sitting down at the table. "Good morning! Pancakes?"

I nodded shyly. "Thank you."

She gave us both plates of steaming pancakes and bacon before sitting across from me with her own plate. I ate slowly, aware of Meredith's stares. After a while, she turned to Christian, who had wolfed down his pancakes already, and smiled. "I see why you like him. He's cute!"

"And mine," he glared at his mother, putting an arm around my waist, "not yours."

"Christian!" I felt my face go red. 

Meredith laughed. "Yes, yes. Whatever. Now, Keegan, is your mom coming to get you today or do you need a ride?"

I blinked. "I... don't know. May I borrow your phone?"

She nodded, pulling her cellphone from her pocket to hand it to me. I stood and walked away from the table, dialing Mom's number. It rang a few times before the line clicked. "Hello?"


"Oh, Keegan! Good morning! How are you feeling?"

I blushed. "Fine. Umm... I was wondering if you could come and pick me up?"

"Of course. Now?"

I glanced back at the table, where Christian was glaring at his mother while she waved him away. "No... In a few hours?"

"... Sure." She sounded quite pleased, and I imagined I wouldn't hear the end of it once I got home. "Around twelve?"


We exchanged a few more words before she hung up and I went back to the table, hanging Meredith her phone. "Sorry, and thank you." I said to her.

She waved her hand. "No worries. Besides, now I have Kathryn's number!" She smiled. "I can have you over as many times as I'd like."

"Mom!!" Christian glared.

"Yes, 'mine not yours' I get it. But... He's so cute!" She sighed. "Why couldn't you have been my son insread?"

Christian rolled his eyes. "So... When's she coming to pick you up?"

"In two hours."

He relaxed, smiling. I felt my heart pound. Was he upset about me leaving? As much as I wanted to spend time with him as well, it was... Embarrassing. I hated myself for being like this. I don't want to hurt Christian by being too indecisive. I wanted to be with him, no matter how embarrassing.


For the two hours before Mom came to get me, Christian dragged me back upstairs to hang out. His idea of hanging out included kissing, me losing at every video game known to man, more kissing, and making me wear various shirts of his - all of which were much too big for me.

By the time Mom arrived, I was flushed red, and my lips were swollen. "Oh my," was Mom's response when she saw me. "... Don't worry, dear. I have some chapstick in the car. Oh, Meredith. Thank you for taking care of him!"

Meredith smiled. "Not at all. He was a pleasure."

Christian leaned against the doorway. "I'll miss you." He pouted.

Mom placed a hand on my shoulder. "I'll bring him back."

I turned, frowning at her. "Mom-"

"Just as soon as I hear about everything that happened!"

With that, she dragged me to the car, making me regret wanting to go home.

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