Chapter 16

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Christian's POV

Adorable. Cute. Amazing. Those were the words I thought of as I stared at Keegan in my jersey on our way to his class. The jersey was much too big for him, as I'd thought, and slipped off his shoulder exposing his pale skin. I couldn't stop myself from moving closer to him and putting an arm around his waist. I grinned when Keegan turned bright red, his gaze shooting towards me.  Eventually he turned away, glancing around the hallway at everyone looking at us. 

'His face drained of blood, and I tightened my grip on his waist. Keegan nearly tripped over himself, looking up. "It's okay," I smiled. "I won't let them hurt you."

Keegan smiled meekly and I resisted the urge to kiss him as I watched him enter his first class. Once he was out of the doorway I walked to my own class, but my smile never left my face. 


After first period let out, I rushed out of the classroom, searching the mob of people for Keegan. I immediately spotted him, and began to call out to him when I froze. He was being dragged along by Nick. Anger rose up inside me, and I bolted after them. I arrived in time to see Keegan get slammed against the locker and wince in pain. Nick stood over him, speaking in a low voice. I couldn't hear what he was saying, but Keegan paled. Marching over, I pulled Keegan away from Nick before he could do anything else. "Stop it! Why are you doing this, Nick?"

Nick stared at us. "Why?" He repeated. "Why not?" Nick looked down, furrowing his brow.

I felt a pang in my chest, thinking of how this was the same Nick I'd been friends with for so long. Had he always been this much of a jerk? No... He'd been nice, once. What changed? I shook the thought away. Doesn't matter. He's not going to hurt Keegan. "Listen, mess with me all you want, but don't hurt Keegan. He's mine."

Keegan grabbed my shirt in his fists, burying his face in my chest. I knew he was blushing, but I continued to glare at Nick, resisting the urge to cuddle Keegan. Nick glared, but I could see something else in his stare. "Whatever."

Storming off, Nick disappeared around the corner, and I pulled Keegan away to look at him. "Are you okay?"

He nodded. "We're going to be late to class."

I smiled. "Well, let's be late together."


The end of school came around, and I quickly grabbed Keegan as he was leaving art, pulling him to the parking lot. "Where are we going?"

"My mom wants to meet you before the game." I glanced back, staring at Keegan's shocked expression. "Do you... Not want to meet her?"

Keegan frantically shook his head. "No, it's just... My mom is going to pick me up, and..." He looked down, blushing. "She wants to meet you."

I stared at him for a moment before laughing. "Well, do you both want to come over?"

Keegan opened his mouth to reply when someone called out. "Keegan!"

We turned to see a woman walking towards us. Keegan gave a shy smile. "Mom."

Keegan's mom grinned, pulling him away from me and into a hug. "You finally took the jacket off, huh?" Looking at me, her smile grew. "So, you must be the boyfriend?"

Keegan began to struggle in his mom's grip. I nodded. "I like to think so."

"Well, would you like to join us for dinner before the game?"

Before I could say anything, another car honked at us. I turned, recognizing Mom's car. She pulled into a spot before getting out and walking towards us. When she saw Keegan, she smiled brightly. "Christian, is this your boyfriend?"

I glanced at Keegan, who pulled away from his mom and took my hand. "I like to think so." He said, glancing up at me. I blushed, looking away.

"Mom... This is Keegan."

Mom grinned. "Well, Keegan, nice to meet you. I was just telling Christian we need to invite you over for dinner before the game." Mom looked over. "And this is your mother, I take it?"

Keegan's mother smiled. "Kathryn."

"Meredith. Would you like to join us?"

"Of course, we'd be delighted."


I led Keegan and his mom into the living room, Mom going into the kitchen to start dinner. Keegan's mom - Kathryn - sat down on the couch. Before Keegan could sit, I grabbed his arm. "Would you mind if I borrowed Keegan?"

"Leave the door open."

"Mom!" Keegan blushed, but I'd already begun to drag him upstairs. When we got to my room, I pulled him inside and kissed him. We kissed for a moment before pulling away for air. I looked at Keegan's face, burying mine in his neck. 

"You look good in my jersey. You should wear it more often." I took in Keegan's scent, wishing it would permanently stay on my jersey.

Keegan's hands rustled my hair. "I have to, don't I? I'm your... Boy.... B-..." Keegan didn't finish his thought, putting his arms around my neck. 

Before I could move to do anything else, Keegan pulled away. "U-um... Good luck with the game today."

I glanced back, moving away to flop onto my bed. "No. I'm not going."

Keegan tilted his head, walking over. "Why not?"

I grabbed his arm, pulling him onto me. "Not unless you're there to cheer for me."

Keegan blushed, flustered. "But, I don't know anything about football, or baskets, or how to play or what-"

I laughed. Baskets? "Doesn't matter," I put my forehead against his. "As long as you're there."

Keegan stared at me before nodding slowly. "Of course I'll be there."

I grinned. "Great. Now, come on. We only have about twenty minutes before Mom finishes dinner." I flipped us over, pinning Keegan down before capturing his lips in a kiss. He went rigid first, then melted into it. I moved a hand, linking it with his before taking my other hand and looping it around his waist, pulling him closer to me. Keegan let out a small gasp, which I quickly swallowed. Before I let myself go further, I pulled away, both of us gasping for air. I smiled down at Keegan's expression. He's so adorable. "Come on, let's go eat."

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait on the update, but I hope you enjoyed. However, from the 17-25 I will be away on a trip, so I probably won't update between now and then either. But, I promise a double update on everything when I get back, so stay tuned for that and thanks for putting up with me. Happy reading!

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