Chapter 18

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Christian's POV

"Can I... Can I talk to you guys?" I stared at Nick, pulling Keegan close. He looked awful - his face was bruised, his lips busted, and he was limping. What happened to him? Nick looked around, waiting patiently. I glanced at Keegan, who was gaping at Nick's appearance.

"What-... What happened to your face?" Nick flinched at Keegan's question. 

"I..." Nick sighed. "Can I just talk to you?"

Keegan and I shared a look before he nodded. I frowned. I wouldn't have let him be near Keegan, but if Keegan was okay with it... We followed Nick into the locker room, then into the hallway. we all stood around awkwardly, waiting for someone to start speaking. Nick coughed. "Um..." 

"What is it, Nick." I glared at my teammate, making sure he wasn't anywhere near Keegan.

Nick looked at the two of us carefully. "I...  I'm sorry." He said finally.

I scowled. "Sorry? Is that-"

"My dad came home." Nick cut me off, looking down.

I stopped. Dad? I vaguely recalled Nick talking about his father, back when we'd been on better terms. What had he said? My father is abusive.  I looked over his bruises, my eyes widening. Keegan tilted his head. "... Okay..?"

Nick shook his head. "No... He-... He's homophobic." Scratching his neck, Nick winced. "He also hates everything about me."

"Why?" Keegan had his hand over his mouth.

Nick shrugged, a bitter expression on his face. "Who knows. My point is... I took it out on you." He sighed. "I hated how you got to be so... free." He gave Keegan a wistful look. "You got to let people know who you really love."

I frowned. "You're gay?"

"Not to my dad," Nick glared, then relaxed his face and nodded. "I was jealous and took it out on you. I know it's no excuse for anything I've done to you, and you probably won't forgive me - I don't expect you to - but I just wanted to tell you. I was tired of keeping my frustrations inside all the time, so when I saw how open you got to be - and how accepting of it everyone else was - I snapped."

I clenched my fists, staring at Nick. Sure, I felt a little bad for him, but he shouldn't have done what he had. But, I said nothing, looking to Keegan. He was the one being apologized to. It was his opinion that mattered. He looked upset, but I couldn't tell why. "Why-... Why don't you just tell your father and try to work through it?" Keegan spoke quietly, his eyes full of fear from the answer he'd get.

Nick flinched, glaring. "Do you know how I ended up like this?" He pointed to his face. "I came home late from football practice. Do you think he accept me if I tell him when he does this for no reason and is homophobic?"

Sighing, Nick slumped down against one of the lockers. "Sorry. Just- Can you just leave now, please?"

Keegan furrowed his brow. "But, Your father... And your apology, I still-"

"It's fine." Nick smiled sadly. "Don't try to fix my relationship with my father. And don't accept my apology. Just go before I lash out again."

Keegan looked stricken, but I placed a hand on his waist, pulling him back out to the field. "Hey, Christian! Wait!"

I stopped, letting my hand fall away as I watched Keegan look back to the school. "Just leave him."

"I can't just-"

"He already apologized, right? He wants to be alone." I sighed, putting a hand on Keegan's shoulder. "Not everything can be solved the way you'd like."

Keegan pouted, but followed me back to the field. It was almost empty, save for a few people who weren't going to the celebration. Josh looked up and grinned. "Hey- What's wrong?" Josh saw Keegan's expression, turning to glare at me. 

I put my hands up. "Not me."

Keegan shook his head. "Just... A friend."

Josh nodded. "Okay, well, I called Mom to pick me up, so here you go." Josh held out a bag for Keegan, who stared at it before his eyes widened and his face went red. He grabbed the bag, shoving it under his arm. Josh smiled, then patted my arm. "Bye."

I glanced at the bag. "What's in there?"

Keegan looked up at me. "It's my... Overnight... bag..."

I pulled Keegan into a hug, hoping to hide my red face. 

"I love you." I whispered, turning to bury my face in his neck. Keegan's hand touched my head, running through my hair. I leaned against him, using him as support while simultaneously trying not to crush him. 

"I know." Keegan sounded happy. We stood together for a few minutes longer before Keegan tapped against my back. "Are you ready to go?"

"Can we stay like this for a bit longer?"

Keegan chuckled. "Your face is red, isn't it?"

He tried to pull away, and had to wrestle against me before we both pulled back, laughing. He took my face in his hands, grinning. "It's not me this time."

I pouted, grabbing him once more to press a kiss against his lips. When I stood back, I smiled. "Now we're even."

Leaning down, I picked Keegan up, carrying him to the parking lot where Mom was waiting. She blinked, watching as I put Keegan down and he scrambled into the car. "Hi, Mom." I got in beside Keegan, Mom rolling her eyes and starting the car. 

The car ride was mostly silent, Mom asking occasional questions to either of us or talking about this and that. When we got home, Mom pulled me into the kitchen, a serious look on her face. "Christian, when you go upstairs..." Mom paused for a moment. "Leave the door open."

I nodded. rolling my eyes. Mom smiled and left me alone in the kitchen. What is it with adults and doors? I laughed, and my smile wouldn't leave my face. I was just too happy. Keegan is adorable, and now he's all mine. I was glad Nick apologized - even if I was still angry. 

"Christian? You coming?" Keegan peeked into the kitchen, tilting his head. 

"Yeah, I'm coming. And, Keegan, there's one thing I need to do when we go upstairs."

He backed up. "What is it?"

"I need to leave the door open."

Keegan blinked then huffed, storming upstairs. I laughed, racing up after him.

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