Soul mate. •Edward•

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Most people know what to do when they are in love.

Most people know when they have found their soulmate, their one true love.

I, however, don't.

I don't know who it is or how to react.

So it's pretty difficult for me when Edward Cullen approached me and said, 

"You are my blood singer, we are soulmates and I'm in love with you"

Of course it wasn't those exact words but that was to summarise it.

I don't know what love is, I don't even know how to kiss someone.

I know who and what Edward is, I've known him and his family for over a year.

When he confessed to me, I hid in my room, trying to figure out what to say to him.

Of course he read every thought I had as soon as I got to school the next day.

I care for him more than I care for myself, he knows this.

"I don't know if I love you..." was my response, I only said it because I didn't know what I was getting myself into, he just simply held me, he came to my room that night and did the same thing, he held me until I fell asleep, maybe he's waiting for me to make my mind up about love.

He repeated this for the next few days, on the fourth day, we were laying in bed, I sat up because I couldn't sleep, he sat up next to me and looked me dead straight in the eyes with a look I had never seen before, it was full of love.

I didn't know what love was until I saw it in Edward, only when he looked at me.

Then he kissed me, he stole my first kiss and I couldn't describe how my heart ached for him, to be closer to him even though we are squashed together.

Is this love? 

If it was, it felt whole, like I'd been waiting for something my whole life, and it was Edward.

"I love you" 

"I love you"

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