Jasper Part 5

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As I arrive at school the next day,  I waited at my locker before my classes, seeing as it was too cold outside and I have my books right here, if the bell were to go. 

As I leaned against the metal, listening to music. Mike walked up to me, he was apart of Jessica's group and I'd only talked to him a couple of times. 

"Hey, hah. Y/N right?" 

He kept his usual teenage boy smile on and something about the look in his eyes made me uncomfortable. 

"Hi, Mike?" I said, I already knew his name because Jessica talked about him a lot, even in the little time I did talk to her, I guess she just got bored with me. 

"Yeah, yeah, you remembered" he laughed and scratched the back of his neck nervously, "Hey um, I know we don't really know each other but um" he stopped to swallow and put his hands together.

"-Do you, maybe wanna go to... prom with me?" The look in his eyes was almost like a puppy, the look on my face must have been some type of confused expression. 

I didn't want to go to prom, and I didn't want to go with Mike.

"Prom?" It was more of a question to myself, Mike stumbled with an unnecessary answer.

"I mean, you're new, so I figured, you probably don't have anyone to go with-"

"Y/N is already going with me" 

Jasper had walked up to me and I didn't even notice, Mike stepped back a little, almost like he was grossed out.

"You? oh okay. That's uh cool" Jasper stepped closer to my side and smirked at Mike.

As Mike walked sheepishly away and down the hall, Jasper seemed to be glaring holes into the back of Mike's head. 

"Hi" I turned towards Jasper and the sound of my voice must have caught his attention because he looked down at me. 

A smile replaced his glare and he complimented me. 

"You look gorgeous" my cheeks flushed pink, while I tried to either stumble a thank you or whether I should compliment him back, I remembered the night before. About how he cringed when I kissed his cheek. 

He must have sensed my expression change or the mood in the air, "What's on your mind? Is it the prom?" He questioned, the bell rang and I frowned, turning towards my locker to open it. 

"Dear?" Jasper was always too polite and extremely old fashioned. Which made it even more difficult to bring up something like this. 

"Last night, when I kissed you" I took a deep breath in and looked at him, a golden brown staring right back at me. 

"Did you hate it or something? did I do something wrong?" He immediately looked down and I think he went to turn away but changed his mind. 

"I liked it very much, I-, your warmth was hard to get away from, but I don't want to hurt you" he confessed as students started to make their way to their classes. 

"I doubt you could hurt me, you're too polite to say anything mean"  I hummed my response as I grabbed my books, when I looked back to Jasper, he shook his head slightly and looked down to the side, and I wonder if I didn't get a certain message he was trying to tell me. 

"Will you sit with us at lunch?" Jasper changed the topic and closed my locker for me, seeing as I was carrying books. 

I smiled at him, he looks so lovely in the light, I wonder what he looks like in the sun, I started to imagine what color brown his golden eyes would turn to in the bright light.

"Of course I will," I said to him and made my way to the first class of the day. Jasper stood there for a bit before walking away. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2020 ⏰

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