Only the beginning. •Jasper•

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Warning: Anxiety?

Today is my first day at Forks High school.

I moved to Forks 3 days ago with my mother.

Once my mother had dropped me off at the schools front carpark, I felt instantly nervous.
This town is so small, when new people move in, everybody knows about it.

My mom wished me luck and drove off, leaving me here.
I felt abandoned.

I looked towards the school entrance, my anxiety made me feel like I was going to faint.

As I slowly took steps inside, getting used to my surroundings, I could feel everyones eyes on me.


Right now I'm sitting in first period, some people showed me around and how to work out my timestable for the week.

By the time lunch came around, I had already made 2 friends.

They let me sit with their group of friends in the cafiteria.

The group greeted me with smiles and friendly compliments.

As the group talked and laughed with eachother, my anxiety kept me quiet, eyes down, picking at my food which my stomach refused to eat.

For awhile I felt eyes on me, maybe it's because I'm new but it wouldn't go away.

I quickly looked at my left, no one.

I looked ahead and behind me, everyone is keeping to themselves.

I looked to my right, suddenly I locked eyes with a guy sitting across the room, sitting with a group.

He had copper blonde hair hanging just above his shoulders and pale skin, something about his eyes made a shiver go down my spine.

He kept a harsh expression on as he continued to stare at me, he didn't even blink.

I looked away and closed my eyes, wishing I didn't stare for too long.

I sighed and opened my eyes, I continued to play with my food.

I kept wondering why he was staring at me so intensely.

Maybe he just doesn't like me.


The next day was mostly the same, it continued on like this, but on the third day, he smiled at me.

Jessica, who is one of my friends, she caught note of this and told me all about the Cullens, how she thought about them (Edward), she said the guy who smiled at me, his name is Jasper.

She told me to forget about them and ignore them.

I did as she said until Jasper came up to me at the end of the day.

I was waiting for my mother to pick me up, it was freezing and I had forgotten my jacket at home.

I wrapped my arms around myself and leaned against the outside wall.

"Hello" Jasper said with a smile, concentration in his eyes, like he was trying to control himself.

"Hi?" I waved to him and he took a step towards me.
My heart skipped a beat.

"Are you okay? Are you waiting?" He asked while swallowing, it didn't look like he was nervous.

"Yeah, umm... I'm waiting for my mom to come get me..." I pointed towards the empty road outside the school.

I sighed and held myself tighter, looking back to Jasper.

I never really noticed his eyes until now, I found myself staring into them, getting lost.

"Are you cold?" He automatically started taking off his jacket.

"Ohh umm...sure" He placed the long grey coat around my shoulders and I popped my arms through, warming up almost instantly.

I smiled to myself, "thanks".

"I've got to go, you can give it to me tomorrow, or you can keep it, I don't mind, either way I want to see you" he smiled and waved as he walked away to his family and hopped in the car, driving off.

'Weird but cute' I whispered to myself, smiling as I snuggled into his coat, being relaxed by his calming smell smell.

Right now I just want to hug him and not let go.

I closed my eyes, feeling the fabric.

I suddenly jumped at the sound of my moms car, honking to get my attention.

I picked up my bag and got in, waiting for tomorrow to come already so I can see Jasper.

I feel like I should make a second part to this?

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