"So what's the plan?"

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The car is silent and the vibes are intense. I decide to break the silence. "Sooo", I say awkwardly. FAIL. Jimin doesn't respond. I look over to him. His face is hard to read and his eyes are focus on the road. Once we reach the red light he digs in his pocket and pulls out a cigarette. This catches me by surprise. "Hey, I didn't know you smoke.", I say. He grins. "There's a lot of things you don't know about me...Y/N", He replies his voice getting deeper and more mischievous as he says my name. Chills go down my spine and my heart starts to race. Well what he said is true though. Even though having knowing him so long I rarely know anything about Jimin. I'm pretty sure he knows everything about me. I don't have much to hide anyways, but im sure he does. You know what. I'm actually tired of him being so secretive. I really deserve an explanation. "Would you enlighten me about the things I don't know about you then?", I ask while directly at him. "Hmm let's see...I smoke.", he replies. I sigh, "well duhhh I can see that! I have eyes", I reply irritated. "Listen Y/N don't worry about me okay. You have more important things to worry like—-", I cut Jimin off. "Yea like how are we supposed to get out of this situation?! I mean dude you freaking murdered someone dude what the hell.", I exclaim. "Yea Y/N I'm well aware of that! But what if I wasn't there? What do you think they were going to do with you if I wasn't there to save you?!", he yells I can hear the anger in his voice. Well that's true who knows what they would've done if Jimin didn't come to my rescue as always....

      Flashback  2 Years ago.
I fall to the floor crying. Why are the treating me like this? I didn't do anything! "Hahahaha Look at Y/N she's so weak she won't even defend herself!", yells Rosa, One of the mean girls in my class during 9th grade. My books were scattered all over the floor. And my glasses, I don't even know where those went.  I hear footsteps approaching me. "Hey, Hey leave her alone!", I look up only to see Jimin with an serious angry  on his face. "Oh heyyy Jiminie", says Rosa in an girly high pitched voice. "Oh heyyy b****", Jimin replies imitating Rosa. She rolls her eyes. "Whatever. So why are you trying to defend this troll anyway. I mean just look at how pathetic she is!", Rosa exclaims. "Nah. You're the pathetic one. And I suggest you leave MY girlfriend alone before something bad comes you're way. Remember Karmas a b****.", Jimin says irritated. Rosa's eyes widen. "W-wait you mean to tell me she's you're girlfriend?!", asks Rosa surprised. Jimin just nods still with an serious expression. Rosa Just facepalms herself and then walks off mumbling something under her breath. Jimin reaches his hand out to me and helps me up. He then hands me my glasses and my books. "Thanks...", I say shyly. He narrows his eyebrows. "You need to learn to defend yourself don't let people treat you like that.", Jimin says. "Oh and don't get that whole thing about me calling you my girlfriend into you're head. I wasn't serious I just wanted them to leave.", he adds on them walks away heading to class. I feel a frown come upon my face. I admit I like Jimin. But I mean if he ever liked me it'd have to be in a parallel universe. I mean there's much prettier girls than me especially in his grade. (P.s Jimin is 2 years older than you).  The bell rings. Ding Ding Ding! I sigh and head to class trying to forget everything that has happened in the last 15 minutes....   
Flashback over....

Present time: "Hello Hello? Earth to Y/N", Jimin says trying to get my attention. "Ye?", I reply. "What were you thinking about?", Jimin asks curiously. Oh he has the nerve! He thinks he Can asks me questions and expects me to respond with a valid answer while he dodges all of mine. Nope. "None if you're business.", I say calmly. He just shrugs "Ok". The ride goes back to silence. Well I guess he doesn't care....as expected....
Jimins POV: The ride is silent. My muscles are tense. DAMMIT! I really f****** up! But those men were going to hurt Y/N and there's no way I could've allowed that. To be honest I can't even believe she's agreed to come with me. Any normal person would have called the police. Does this mean she has feelings for me?!"Sooooo", YN says. I'm too caught up in my thoughts to reply. We reach a red light. I take this as the opportunity to get a smoke in. I'm stressed. I dig in my pocket and pull out my packet of cigarettes then grab one. I light it up, put it to my mouth, and inhale. I can feel Y/Ns eyes on me. "Hey I didn't know you smoke", Y/N States. Her voice is surprised. I grin trying to look like a bad boy to impress Y/N. "There's a lot of things you don't know about me... Y/N", I say flirtatiously. And it's true I hide a lot of things from Y/N, but it's not as if I enjoy it. I do it to protect her. I don't want her to worry about me. I wish that I could just cry on Y/Ns shoulder and reveal all my thoughts and emotions to her, but that's not who I am. I feel very deeply for Y/N. I'm the type of person who takes on all my problems by myself and stays silent about it instead of involving others. I mean if I told Y/N I know she'd be worried. And I don't think she'd look good with gray hair. Joking....Y/N could never be unattractive in my eyes. Even though she thinks lowly of her looks to me she looks like an angel. I admit others may not think she's the prettiest girl, but in my eyes it a whole different story. "Would you enlighten me on the things I don't know about you then?", Y/N asks curiously. S***....I try to think up of multiple things, but the most stupid one comes out of my mouth. "Well uh... I smoke...", i reply. Oh gosh I'm such a idiot. I wish I could facepalm myself at such a obvious remark. "Well duh I can see that I have eyes!", Y/N says irritated. Yes Y/N you do have eyes and they're beautiful I'd like to say. But I don't. "Listen Y/N don't worry about me you have more important things to worry about like—", Y/N cuts me off. "Yea i mean like how are we supposed to get out of this?! I mean you freaking murdered someone what the hell!". I grow angry. "Well yea I'm well aware of that Y/N.! But if I didn't what did you think was going to happen to you!? Those men were going to hurt you!" I yell angrily. It's silent. It looks like Y/N is lost in her thoughts. After about 3 minutes I decide to get her attention. "Hello, Hello Earth to Y/N", I say. She blinks. "Ye?", Y/N responds. Im interested in her thoughts. "What were you thinking about?", I ask curiously. It takes Y/N a couple seconds to answer but then she finally does. "None of your business", she replies. As expected, i shouldn't expect her to answer my questions if I leave an invalid answers to hers. "Ok", i say understandingly. Then the ride goes back to silence. I'll have to tell her everything eventually...It hurts keeping this many secrets from the one I love....

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