The letter

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Before leaving decide to write a letter to Jimin so he could feel more guilty for hurting me like that. I grab some paper from the droor and a random pen that I had near me.

Dear oppa, I guess this is the end. I hope you had fun with you're whore of a friend. You really hurt me I just wanted to let you know. After all you probably thought of me of some little hoe. But fuck you I regret doing it with you. But I'm a strong as bih so there's no need to get a tissue. Now I guess it's time for me to move on. Because in this game full of pieces to me you'll just be the pawn. Have a nice life and forget about me as I'll do to you. I just wanted to let you know that you took something from me that I'll never get back. But you should feel guilty because a good woman is what you'll lack"

(Cringe ik.) I fold the paper up in half being semi satisfied with the poem sort of thing I wrote. I sign my name before putting some shoes on and heading downstairs. I put the letter on the fridge holding it with a magnet before leaving. I walk to the bus stop which isn't far from my house. And after a few minutes of waiting I see one coming. I get on and pay my fair before sitting down in a set in the middle. I just look around waiting for my stop to come.   

15 minutes later

I arrive kind of near Yoongis house and decide to walk the rest of the way which isn't too far. A couple minutes later I arrive and knock on his door seeing that he's home because his car is outside.  While waiting for him to answer the door I decide to book myself a hotel for the night just to be away from everyone. After I'm done Yoongi still didn't answer so I decide to rang the door bell 3 times. "Okay okay I'm coming jeez", I hear yoongi shout and he still sounds sleepy. I let out a slight giggle as he opens the door for me wearing his Spider-Man pjs. He looks shocked to see me. "O-oh hey Y/N", he says covering his pjs a bit out embarrassment. "Hey..", i say as he gestures me to come in and I do so. I decide to get straight to the point "so me and Jimin had a situation and I booked me a hotel for tonight just to get away because I don't want to go home because my mom will ask me a whole bunch of questions and I just need my space", I say to him. "What happened between you and Jimin?", he asks I hear the curiosity in his voice. I sit on the couch and he follows. I explain everything to him knowing that I can trust him. "So you guys really um", he looks at me. I look down nodding. "That pabo! If I was him you'd be the only girl I'd even let near me he doesn't deserve you", Yoongi says with a dark tint in his voice. He starts to get uncomfortably close to me and puts his hand on my thigh which I move off. "What are you doing I ask him scooting away a bit. He stays silent and I look into his eyes and all I see is lust....

Haiii I'm going to make a part two of this chapter I just wanted to get one in.

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