Movies and Awkwardness

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  Your POV

I grab the remote and start scanning through the movies on Netflix. I feel eyes on me, but I decide to ignore it. "What type of movie do you want to watch?". Through my peripheral vision I see Chim shrug. "It doesn't matter. I'm already watching what I want to watch.", he says. I turn to him and raise my eyebrows in confusion. "What?". Suddenly I feel the warmth of Chims hand on my upper thigh. Chills run down my body. "C-chim stob it I'm really sensitive there. And you said you wouldn't try anything", I exclaim. He must've just remembered what he promised because he quickly moved his hand. "Sorry.", he pauses "But it's hard to resist you", he says bitting his bottom lip. I shake my head and get up. "Where are you going?", Chim asks. "Somewhere away from you.", and with that I leave.      I go to the bathroom and saturate my face with cold water. I think about what Chim just said. Suddenly, I hear a knock on the door. "Y/N...I'm sorry. I really promise not to try anything. Can you please come back?", Chim asks me. "No."   "Why not? I promisssedddd", Jimin whines. "Just go away", my voice cracks a little for a unknown reason. "Wth are you crying? Let me in",Chim demands he sounds serious. "Gosh calm thyself I'm not crying", I reply. Suddenly the door opens and in front of me is a worried looking Chim. He quickly run ups to me and cups my face with both of his hands. He searching my eyes to see if they're filled with tears. My heart flutters in realization of how close our faces are. I bite my lip. Chim narrows his eyes. "Don't do that", he says. "Do what?", i ask. "Don't bite your lip.", he lets go of me and runs his fingers through his hair.    A couple seconds pass. "Back up. Obviously you can see I'm not crying", I say sounding a bit harsh. Chim steps backwards and rubs the back of his head. "Oh um yeah let's go pick out a movie".... 

Jimin POV

"Back up. Obviously you can see I'm not crying", y/n says. I realize how close we are my heart races a bit. I back up and rub the back of my head. "Oh my yeah let's go pick out a movie".  Y/N and I head back to the room. I lie down in the middle of the bed while y/n sits at the bottom edge searching for a movie. I admire  her and without realizing I start to bite my lip. Y/N turns around and looks at me. "What type of movie do you want to see?", she asks. I stob biting my lip. "Ah comedy", I say. A slight grin plays onto Y/N's face. "White chicks?", she asks. "W-what's that?", I ask confused. Y/N's eyes widen and she raises her eyebrows. "Oh my gosh Becky. You've never heard of that movie!!?!?", Y/N exclaims. I shake my head no. "Aniyo, was I supposed to", i ask. "Chim you're a bumbissal", Y/N rolls her eyes at me. "A what?", i ask raising my eyebrows. "A bumbissal. It's a bum and a missal because you know how missals spread idk Fireeee. So like you spread you bumness all around and make the Earth a more bummy place to live", y/n says. "All because I didn't know about that movie WOW.", I state with sarcasm. "Don't get smart", Y/N says. "Well I sure ain't getting dumb", I reply. "Oh are you sure about that. I think you already are", she replies. I narrow my eyes at her. "Would you like to be punished?", i ask. "Oh hellllllll to the no no no. Get outta here with that kinky shet",she replies. I laugh a little. "Wow Shet where did you get that from?", I ask. " see there was this YouTube video and these girls were about to sing, but their mom came in and was like 'Which on of yous has the nerve to take a shet and not flush the toilet' and I was dying yo", Y/n plops backwards onto my chest dying of laughter with tears. I completely forget what she just said. And get aroused at the warmth of her arm me....Which I think she sees....


I plop onto Chims chest dying of laughter. I was about to tell Chim that he Sucks for not laughing at that, but then I see something poking out. I just stare. Finally I avert from looking at 'that' and get off of Chim. "*Cough Cough* so yeah I'm going to put on White Chicks now", I say pretending nothing just happened. So I put on the movie and we watch it in awkward silence occasionally stealing a few glances from each other. Finally the movie ends. "So ummm Yeaaaah. Did you like it?", I ask Chim. His eyes avert from the screen to me. "To be honest", he pauses and a smirk plays on his face. "I wasn't really paying attention because my mind was OCCUPIED with um well we'll just say things..."he states. "Go away Chim. You presence is not wanted and neither is your dirty mind.", I say. He does a playful frown at me. "Ok I'm going to go home and Sleep anyway.", he says. "Same here", I reply. I go with Chim downstairs and lock the door once he leaves. I then go back upstairs and take my arse to bed again because I'm a resting potato.

Eh this chapter could've been better. I need ideas. Cry cry cry sadness. It's April yay closer to summer. Anyway Comment some ideas because I know my like plot but I don't know what scenes I want to do to add up to it because I don't want this story to be too short. Goodbye until thennnnn

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