Part 1

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All of the nations were sitting in the meeting room doing as they normally do (yelling) when they see a bright white light.

"Dudes it's a ghost!"

"Eh what's happening."

"Ve~ Germany help me!"

"Bloody hell!"

The light started to dim and all eyes turned to the middle of the table where a large book could now be found. Everyone stayed quiet for a moment before Russia picked it up.

Russia opened the book and a note fell out. "Everyone look here," he held up note.

Dear nations

We see that you all seem to have a hard time understanding each other and that this is causing many fights to happen. We are worried for you. We have decided to take your diary entries and put them all in this book. We have made sure that you can't leave until you read the whole book. We hope that after this you will all understand each other better.

                                        Love~ The fallen nations

"Bloody hell we can't leave," said the green eyed blond.

America got up and walked to the exit. "They can't just keep us in here." He tried to open the door but found that it was locked. "No, it can't be locked I want to leave," he whined.

"I guess we have no choice but to read," said Spain.

"Oui, who will read first." Everyone looked around waiting for someone to volunteer. A hand went up in the back.

"If no one else wants to I will." The brit looked around to see if someone else would rather do it. "Fine then, hand me the book."

France went over to England and gave him the large book."Bloody hell this thing is heavy." England put the book on the table then opened it. "Time to start reading."

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