Part 3

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England handed France the book. He opened it and looked at the next entry. "This one is Spain." After saying that France smirked.

Dear Diary

I'm starting to love Romano... but not as much as a son. I'm starting to love him as a man. And that scares me. What if I freak him out or scare him away? I don't want him to hate me... I guess I should stay quiet on the matter for now.

Spain and Romano were both blushing bright red. No one said anything, not knowing what it is that they should say.

France just smirked looking at the next entry. "Next one is Romano. And Spain, this one might as well be a response to yours."

Dear Diary

I really hate that tomato bastard. He is so charming and cheerful and playful and smiling and lovely... I mean, stupid! And why is he always hugging everyone? Why can't he just hug me?

Spain turned around tackled Romano into a hug. Romano was blushing knowing that Spain now knew he loved him. Spain pulled away from their hug and kissed Romano. Romano didn't try to pull away, he instead leaned in.

"I love you."

"I love you too, tomato bastard."

France smiled at his friend and his new lover. "Now isn't that cute. This one is Angleterre's."

Dear Diary

I was walking down the hallway when I saw America's old room. When I walked in, everything was the same as it was before he left to go to war against me. I cried. Then I felt something touch my shoulder. When I looked up I saw baby America. He said he missed me and will forever be thankful to me. I know it was just an illusion... but it was nice.

A few nations looked over to England and saw he was tearing up. Then England felt a pair of strong arms wrap themselves around him. He looked up and saw America smiling at him.

"I'm sorry I made you so sad. I never meant to hurt you. When I left it wasn't because I hated you, it was because I wanted to be your equal. I knew that I never could stand by your side properly while I was still your colony." England was trying to hold back tears that were already rolling down his face. "I had to leave if I ever wanted to have any hope of being equal to you."

England jumped up and hugging America. By now he stopped trying to stop the tears and just sat there in America's arms.

They sat there like that with other nations watching them in silence. After some time they pulled apart. France smiled softly knowing that hearing America say those words meant the world to England.

France opened the book again and read the next entry after saying it was Liechtenstein.

Dear Diary

Don't mess with me. I will have you know I can bench press Austria, so I could kick your ass in a second.

The room was silent for a minute. Know one expected Liechtenstein to write something like that. In the back of the room you could a 'keseseses'.

"Bench pressing Austria isn't that hard! He's super weak!" At this you could hear Austria scoff but make no attempt to deny it.

"Prussia sit down and shut up." Germany didn't feel like trying to save his brother from Switzerland's wrath.

"What, come on west you know it's true. Austria is super weak." After this Prussia finally noticed the glares he was getting from Switzerland and Liechtenstein and sat down.

France said the next one was Canada and started reading before anyone had a chance to ask who that was.

Dear Diary

I'm really not sure how I ended up falling in love with this guy. He really is something, eh? He can be kind of pound when he wants to, but at least he has never forgotten who I was. I guess it could have been worse, and we have a lot in common. And at the end of the day, through all of his faults, he really does make me happy.

A lot of nations felt sorry for the guy who Canada fell in love with, because France looked like he was going to kill him.

"Who did you fall in love with," France said while trying to hold back his hatred for the man who stole his child's heart.

Canada paled. Once again a 'Kesesese' could be heard. "It was the awesome me."

France turned to his friend. Prussia quickly realized that he shouldn't have said that. France rushed at Prussia and tried to strangle him. It took three nations to tear them apart. They decided to have someone else read while France called down. Italy volunteered to read the next few entry's.

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