Part 7

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"My turn to read now mi amigos." Spain looked down." Japan."

Dear Diary

Screw sexy I'm bringing Kawaii back

The whole room burst into laughter. Japan tried to sink back down into his seat, never to be seen again. Italy pulled him back up and said," I never thought you'd be the type to write something like that."

Japan blushed a bright red," I never thought someone would be reading it so I had no need to write formally."

Once everyone was done laughing Spain said it was his little tomatoes entry. "Stop calling me that bastard," was heard in the back from a blushing Romano.

Dear Diary

I don't know where people get the idea that Spain's a morning person. If anyone is a morning person, it's me. Don't look at me like that! It's true! I haven't dealt with stupidity yet when I first wake up, so I'm in the best mood I am all day. Spain on the other hand... Well let's just say there's a reason that 'The sun never sets on the Spanish empire.' It's afraid to, because when it comes back up that bastard is out for blood. Just saying.

Everyone thought that out of the two Romano would be the one out for blood when he wakes up, not Spain. People looked over at Romano looking very confused. "It's true," was the only response they got from the Italian.

When looking at Spain the only answer you got was," I don't like being woken from my dreams of Romano." Every time he said this the blush on Romano's face grew brighter.

Finally a nations name was called,"Norway."

Dear Diary

Iceland forgot Puffin at home today. The thing just keeps looking at me. I don't know what to do with

Snickering could be heard from most nations. Iceland looked over to Norway," You just had to feed and play with him." Norway, who was blushing, just nodded.

"This is the last one, it's mine." People sighed in relief at it being the last one.

Dear Diary

I was talking with Romano today and noticed a little curl sprouting up on top of his head. I pulled it off. He fainted. I'm so confused.

Both Italy and Romano were blushing. Italy spoke up," You aren't supposed to pull those."

Spain tilted his head," Why not?"

Italy was about to answer but Romano slapped a hand over his mouth. "You don't get to know that bastard! Why haven't the doors opened yet?"

After those words the doors opened and voices saying "You've done well" could be heard from above. The book that Spain was holding disappeared and everyone left. The new couples, America and England along with Spain and Romano, left hand in hand. Seychelles promised herself that she would never bet on if people were going to get together ever again. Germany and Italy walked out together happy that they didn't have to hide the fact that they are dating anymore. As all of this happened the Ancient nations looked down on them and smiled, hoping the best for them all.

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