Part 5

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"Now," Lithuania opened the book," let's get started. This one belongs to Japan."

Dear Diary

I am afraid that one of these days these two will fight and I will be hurt when one of them will be gravely injured. Why can't they see that they are both my friends and I like them both equally.

"You have to like one of us more than the other," you could hear Turkey yell from the back of the room.

"No, this is what I was talking about. I love you and Greece equally so stop fighting all the time." Japan looked quite mad that he had deal with this at the world meeting.

Greece came up behind Japan and hugged him. "Are you sure you don't like me better than him."


"Come on,  remember that time we," Greece leaned closer and whispered so that the other nations couldn't hear. Japan's face turned bright red. "If not I could refresh your memory later tonight."

All nations were very confused as to what Greece said. China just looked over towards the two and said," Your not talking about you two' one night stand, are you."

Japan's face turned even redder,"H-How do you know about that?"

"I heard you. You can't be quiet in bed can you Japan?" Every comment on the matter just made Japan's face even redder.

"I'm going to kill you Greece," Turkey said from his seat across the oval shaped table.

Japan stood up and grabbed both Greece and Turkey. "No one is killing anyone Turkey. Both of you apologize." Greece and Turkey both said no at the same time. Japan glared at them and the finally caved in and said it.

Lithuania looked down and said it was Japan again.

Dear Diary

Why can't Avatar: The Last air bender come out in Japanese dub already? It's hard being on the other end of the stick. How does America deal with it?

"Feel my pain dude!" America yelled only to be pulled back down by England. Japan frowned.

"This is Italy's."

Dear Diary

He lied.

He's never coming back.

Most nations were confused by this, wondering who he could possibly be. Austria, Hungary, Romano, and Prussia all gave Italy a look of pity, knowing exactly who Italy was talking about. No one asked Italy since he looked really sad about hearing of little boy who broke his promise.

"It's America."

Dear Diary

Other countries tell me that I'm too full of myself; that my citizens love me more than I deserve. But what they don't realize is that, if my citizens don't love me, who will?
They sure won't.

Everyone was quiet. Nobody knew how to respond. No one knew that America felt that way. America tried to sink down in his chair but England pulled him back up. "America,"England paused hugged America," I love you."

America let out a small smile," I know, England." England pushed himself closer against America's chest and sat on his lap. England once again kissed America. He nuzzled into America's neck and just sat there.

"Can someone else read, this is getting a bit to depressing." Russia raised his hand. Lithuania shivered and walked over to Russia to give him the book.

"I'll start reading now, da."

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