Part 6

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"I'll start reading now,da." Russia opened the book and said it belonged to Romano.

Dear Diary

I don't dislike Spain as much as I say I do. Sure, he's annoying, but he's been there for me as long as I can remember. That's more than I can say for anyone else.

Silence followed those words just like every other entry. Some nations started to feel guilty for not always caring about how Romano felt. Spain pulled Romano close and hugged him.

"Mi amor, we will always be here to help you." Spain kissed Romano's forehead.

"Fratello, I'm sorry." Italy came over and hugged his older brother.

Unlike every other time Italy has hugged Romano, he didn't push him away. "You don't need to apologize."

Italy smiled at his brother."Let's continue with reading."

"Da, it's China."

Dear Diary

Sometimes I wonder if I should have shared my invention of gunpowder with the world. I wonder how many people I am responsible for ending the lives of...

"China," America spoke up immediately," none of that is your fault."

China looked down." Of course it's my fault. If we never made it then so many people would be still be alive."

"How can you be so sure." America looked straight at China. "If you didn't invent it then someone else would have, or they would have made something worse. People would still fight and try to kill each other over stupid things. Also, you aren't the one that pulled the trigger, someone else did. So you didn't end their lives, someone else did."

Most nations silently agreed with what America said. "Okay time to read the next one, da. It's Japan.

Dear Diary

What did I do to make God so angry that he forced me to live as a nation.

Everyone decided to stay quiet. They all knew just how Japan felt. It was hard for all of them to be immortal. After a few minutes of silence Russia said America's name.

Dear Diary

I overheard England and China complaining about how hard it is to take care of a child. England even turned to me and said that I will never understand the difficulties . I think it's time to introduce everyone to the states.

Every nation in the room just stared at America. No one knew what to say and those who tried just said a bunch of gibberish. No one believed that America could raise fifty kids all on his own. The whole time America just smirked. England finally managed to say something to his new boyfriend." H-how did y-you r-raise f-fifty kids all o-on your o-own?"

"I managed." America continued to smirk at everyone's shocked faces.

"These are no longer sad. Can someone else read now?" Spain raised his hand and took the book from Russia.

"My turn to read now mi amigos."

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