Part 2

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England put the book on the table and opened it. "Time to start reading." He looked down to see who the first one was for. "The first one is France."

France paled at hearing his name. England looked over to him,"Oh calm down frog it's not something dark."

Dear Diary

I did not invent french fries. If America asks again, I WILL stab him.

Many of the nations laughed at this. America just said," If you didn't then why are they called french fries, huh!?"

"That doesn't mean I invented them!"

"Then who did!?"

"This next one might answer your question America," said England. " It's Belgium." At hearing this Belgium smirked.

Dear Diary

People believe differently, but I'm the one who invented French fries.

"Wait you invented them." America was shocked. Many nations had a look of surprise on their faces.

Belgium smirked. "People from my country in about the late 1600's would fry potatoes."

France looked over to America," See, it wasn't me that invented them. No if you want to harass someone  about it go harass Belgium."

"Maybe I will," America stormed off to go question Belgium.

"Finally he'll leaves alone." France flipped his hair over his shoulder. "Now who's the next one Angleterre."

England glared at France," The next one is Greece frog face." England looked down at the book to read.

Dear Diary

I am raising an army of cats. No one will be ready. I will rule as cat king.

The room burst out laughing. Greece woke up not knowing what was happening. He slept through all of the meeting and had ask Japan what was happening. He heard what everyone else just did and said," Oh no, my secret plan is out now."

England looked down at the book once more. "The next one is Japan."

Dear Diary

America-san asked me to say 'election' today... and burst out laughing when I did so... I do not understand what was so funny... Someone please explain

Laughter could be heard from America. "Dude It's your accent!"

Japan tilted his head to the side. "I still do not understand."

Greece pulled Japan to the side and whispered something in his ear. Japan's face turned bright red.

"Can someone else read I'm getting tired of this," said England.

France came up beside him," I will." England handed France the book.

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