Part 4

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Italy volunteered to read the next few entry's.
He looked at the book and said the next one was China.

Dear Diary

Kiku beat me at Chinese checkers today. I will beat him next time though. BECAUSE I AM CHINA!!!

China narrowed his eyes and mumbled something about beating Japan next time. Other nations laughed and said China shouldn't lose at Chinese checkers.

"This one is America."

Dear Diary

I changed all the names on England's cell phone. He's going to be so angry with me, but it'll be worth it to see the look on his face when God text him saying 'I know what you did last night.'

England turned over to America who was about to burst out laughing. "That was you, you bloody git!"

"Come on it was hilarious."

"No, it was not!"

Germany leaned over to Italy," Read the next entry before they start to fight."

"Okay Luddy, this one is Prussia's."

Dear Diary

Today I found........something

Many nations were confused. Prussia, after noticing this, said," Ah~ yes, the day I found Gilbird." Some nations rolled their eyes after hearing it was just Prussia's bird.

"America it's you again."

Dear Diary

I just realized how special England really is to me. He's the only one who sits and watches horror movies with me and pats my back when I tremble at the scary monsters. He's the only one who offers a tissue to me when I randomly cough up blood at the world meeting. But what really had me, was the fact that only his smile has the power to make my heart stop completely and restart itself.

"Aw~," Italy said. Both America and England were blushing like crazy.

America turned to England. "Um, please forget you heard that, dude."

England looked down and blushed harder. "What if I don't want to forget?"

"Huh?" America was shocked. He was sure England would hate him if he ever knew how he felt.

England looked back up at America with a serious look on his face."I said I don't want to forget. I-I love you." The redness of England's face rivaled that of Spain's tomatoes.

"Y-you love me?" America didn't know what to think. He never once thought that England would ever feel the same way he did, he didn't even think England liked guys!

"Yes. I love you." England leaned up and kissed America. America hesitated, worried that it was all a cruel dream that he would wake up from. Finally America kissed back and held England close. The two finally pulled apart. France, now accepting that Canada and Prussia were a thing, turned to Seychelles and held out his hand. She sighed and put a 10 dollar bill in his hand.

"That was cute. This one is me."

Dear Diary

I kissed Germany today. I was so tired of waiting and I wanted to so badly.

He kissed back and I ran away. I wonder if I find him, I can kiss him again.

"I remember that. This entry is really old. Me and Germany started dating after that." Italy smiled.

"Wait you to are dating?" America asked.

"Yup," Seychelles gave France another 10 dollars. "Can someone else read now so that I can go sit by Germany?"

Lithuania raised his hand."I can."

Italy gave Lithuania the book and sat by Germany."Thanks Lithuania."

"No problem Italy. Now," Lithuania opened up the book," let's get started."

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