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i dont know if y'all are gonna like this...but this is probly the last chapter and im sorry about that...im just not that happy with this book so i've kinda ran out if ideas and this is the only way i could think to end it...dont kill me

animatic by szin

~Alex POV~

I checked the time on my phone and sat up in the bed.

6:47 am

I set my phone down on the sidetable and pulled the covers over myself again, savoring the warmth from the blanket and Thomas, who was sleeping soundly next to me.

After a few seconds, I decided to grab my laptop. For this week, I had brought my essencials, wixh included my laptop. Of course.

Bracing myself for the cold, I slipped out of the blanket and shivered. It was colder than i thought it would be.

I tip toed quickly over to my stuff in the corner of Thomas' room, trying to grab it as fast as possible. As soon as it was in my hands, I practically springed and catapulted myself back into the bed, making Thomas grunt and turn over.

I sighed as the covers went over me again, protecting me from the cold air outside. Opening my laptop, I created a document and began to type. (eh just pretend he's working on his diary or something)

~time skip~

Ding dong

The doorbell shakes me from my thoughts, interrupting my writing. I turn to Thomas, who is still sleeping somehow. It been like 2 hours already.

"Thomas...Thomas..." I repeat and shake him. I keep on doing this till i'm practically scremaing his name.

"Ugh, Alex, what?" he finally replies, sounding drugged, his speech slurred slightly.

"The doorbell," I say just as it goes off again.

"you get it," he hums and tries to fall asleep again before i begin to shake his some more.

"nuh uh..." I say childishly and shove him some more.

"Alex just open the door. You've probly been awake for like 2 hours," he groans and pulls the cover over him.

"Fine," I whine and get up. "Its so cold!!" I scream, making Thomas laugh. I make my way to the door as another set of impatient doorbells go off.

"Chill," I say under my breath and put a hand on the doorknob. I open the door and look up to see who it is.

Four people whom I've never seen before, stand onthe steps, looking impatient. Two women and two men. All four of them looked like they were strong and powerful.

"Is Alexander Hamilton here?" one lady asks.

"That's me."

"We need you to come with us. We know about the metal and wires in your body," she says in a stiff voice. I'm at a loss for words as I take a step back from the door. My mind flashes back to the warning Washington gave me last night.

They found me.

"If you dont willingly come with us, then we'll have to take action," a man says. I open my mouth in response before I hear Thomas' groggy voice.

"Alex? Who is it?" he asks, rubbing his eye as he walks out into the hallway. He stops when he sees the four strangers. "Uh, who are you?"

"We're part of (insert some like agency thats part of the government or somethin). We are here to collect Mr. Hamilton," the other man says and gestures to me.

"W-what? where is he going? Why?" Thomas asks, stepping closer to me. I could feel mysefl shaking all over. What would happen to me.

"Thats classified information," one of them answered. "Mr. Hamilton, please come with us. If you give us any trouble we will have to use extra measures."

I pause and stare at them for a few seconds. Then, slowly, I shake my head. Suddenly, almost like a pouncing tiger, the two men grab my arms and lift me up slightly, making my toes dangle only centimeters from the floor. They begin to drag me towards the door where I see a car parked on the side of the street.

"Hey!" Thomas screams from behind me as I try to struggle and wiggle out of their grip. A lot of yelling begins. Thomas and I are shouting at the men to let me go while the women and men are barking orders into mics that seemed to have appeared out of thin air. Suddenly, a cold and soft click of a gun quiets us all.

I turn and see one of the women pointing a gun at Thomas. My breathing speeds up and I stop struggling.

"Mr. Jefferson, I'm sorry to say this but please be calm while we bring Mr. Hamilton to the car. If not then I will be forced to shoot," she says in a cold voice. I feel the two men at my sides start to bring me out of the house and into the car. I cant hear what the lady is saying anymore. I do nothing. I'm too frozen in shock and fear that my actions will cause harm to Thomas.

As the shove me into the car, I catch ine last glimpse of Thomas, looking at me throight the doorway, past the woman's shoulder, through the car door. The woman with the gun keeps talking to him but he isnt listening. His face is completely confused snd devastated. A pang fills my chest. He doesnt even know why I'm being taken away.

I feel numb as the two other women get into the car. Thomas stares from the doorway. I can see tears in his eyes. I bring my hand to the window in an attempt to wave but instead my fingertips just graze the cold window, staying still.

We begin to move and then the reality if my situation hits me. I feel an overwhelming sense of fear hit me. As Thomas' figure begins to get smaller I begin to panic more.

We then turn the corner, and I lose sight of Thomas.


aw snap...this is where i got stuck and i didnt know where to continue.

uh...hope ypu liked this...im srry about the trashy ending

love y'all!!


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