Chapter 19

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Author's POV:

'Selfish bastard...'

Having stayed by Yuri's side all night Victor walks out to the lobby to get some ice coffee from a vending machine; bumping into Yurio and Otabek who just came in for a visit. 'Great I don't need another lecture.' Victor forces a smile as he inputs the money for his drink.

Yurio puts his hand against the vending machine and leans towards Victor "Did she call you yet?"

"Only to talk about this season. Nothing else." Victor looks at him with a threaten look "How come I have to fly in first?"

"Because you're representing our team. It's our first time getting a chance to go out with the big shots." Yurio grabs Victor's drink as it comes out "Our career is just getting started." He opens it up to take a sip.

Otabek steps up towards the two  "And since Yuri isn't getting better anytime soon it seems like he won't be starting or returning to skating."

"You're right. But really, is it so bad to want him and my career?" Victor looks down towards his feet "I just.. don't want to hurt anyone..."

"So you really do love him? Not just some replacement for... her-?" Before Yurio could finish Victor slams a fist into the vending machine and looks up with tears in his eyes.

"No... y-you're wrong..!" Victor bites his lip "He's nobody's replacement!"

"You said that all the other times so what makes it different now?" Yurio laughs "You've become so pathetic."

Meanwhile in Yuri's hospital room an unexpected visitor comes in, the student council president, with a small box in her hands. 'Great what does she want?' Yuri sits up against his pillow to say something when she raises her hand up.

"I'm not here to cause a commotion." She pauses at the foot of the bed "I'm here so you can pick out what pictures you want to be posted."

"What're you rambling about?" Yuri looks at her confused.

Before Yuri could say another word another pain shoots through him and he stumbles over grasping his chest. Smirking the student council president opens the box and comes out tons of photographs of Victor and Yuri in the skating rink that day. ( A/N: Referring back to chapter 17)


"Do you know why I have these photos?" She throws them all on the grass "do you understand what I plan to do with them?"

"Why... are you threatening me?" I look back up at her terrified.

She goes to pick up the picture of her and Victor and smiles "Because i always get what I want..." she grips my school uniform.


'I've been visiting the staking rink with Victor lately because it seems like the only place for alone time...' I look up from the bright screen of my laptop and over to the shut up windows around the rink 'she won't be able to spy on us this way so I won't have to avoid him all day long.'

Hanahaki Disease {Victor X Yuri Fan-Fic}Where stories live. Discover now