Chapter Fourteen

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Well this turned out great. The whole warehouse was a pile of rubble, we lost thousands of dollars, and I no longer had a chance at revenge. Ethan was supposed to be mine to kill. The bastard didn't deserve the right to die so easily. Burning to death was a quick escape compared to what I had planned for him. The whole explosion in general was fucking insane! What idiot thought it was a good idea to blow up an entire fucking building, causing so much damage, and bringing a whole bunch of unwanted attention toward our organization!

Of course, Riley was having a grand time. Between taking her shitty selfies with the first responders, and dancing in the ashes, I honestly do not understand why Derrick made me bring her pampered ass along. I couldn't keep my facial expressions in check apparently because she caught on to my mood real quick.

"Cheer up, Carlos! This was all according to Agent Keller's plans!" Riley chuckled, "Though seeing as neither her nor the cute guy she was with are here, one can only assume they didn't live long enough to relish in all the chaos."

"Shut up already!" I shouted. I finally found what I was here for. I pulled the thankfully fireproof safe out of the debris. Riley looked confused when I pulled out a small black box, "Yes, Riley, this is what all the fuss was about. Your friend Keller created a virus that she released into the CIA's computer system. It's small enough to remain undetected, and, if it works, it will let us know every time they find a location from here on out. Now let's get out of this dump, and take this to the boss."

I started to leave, but Riley plucked the box from my hands. She casually tossed it to one of our other members, and before I could say anything, the stupid bitch shoved her finger against my mouth, "Shh, leave the boring shit to the boring people. We have more important things to take care of."
"Like what?" I asked as I swatted her away. She only laughed, "Get your keys. We are going to the hospital to get your long lost brother, who had tragically gotten caught up in the fire. Seems like he is suffering from what looks to be permanent memory loss, which means this is a perfect opportunity for us."


"Shit, shit, shit, shit.." I cursed as I slid underneath the bathroom stall. How the hell did I get here?

Charlie. That's how. He insisted that before he could help us with anything, he needed to go back and get his lucky charm. When I asked what that was, all he would say was that it was his most prized possession. He buried it in the sanctuary garden back at his old home. That 'home' being the very same mental institution that Jade's sister was at. Everything was off from the moment we got there. Jade admitted that the atmosphere was strange, and that she had not recognized any of the staff unlike before. Then we got cornered by a fucking crazy dude. But, before I could call security on his ass, both Jade and Charlie stopped me. They claimed this Farson was a friend. He tipped us off that ever since Jade's last visit, the place had been taken over by a bunch of strange people dressed in white scrubs, and that the whole facility has been placed on lockdown. Jade, of course, decided she needed to go find her sister while Charlie and crazy dude were to go find his 'lucky charm'...and my lucky ass got to be the distraction. Hence the reason I was now cowering in a dank bathroom.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are!" sang a child-like voice from the hall. Creepiest part of the situation is that this voice belonged to an old woman wielding a rather large syringe filled with who knows what, "I promise I only want to play with you...It won't hurt that much..."

She made it to my stall. Lucky for me, the door swings outwards instead of in.

"Ain't got time for games today, bitch." I kicked as hard as I could, sending the old hag flying into the wall. I dove out the door and didn't stop until I found the others.

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