no answer

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Maxs Pov

I tried texting Ross back but i wasn't surprise when i didn't get an answer from him, Hes probably mad about me leaving him without saying anything,but I was a little annoyed when Tim didn't answer though, or at least read what i sent because he would've told Ross that im fine or that im with Barney and Red. I really want to go home but i need to be here for my friends. Barney was talking to Red in the other room about the book. For some reason Barney got his hands on that book but how? He didn't explain how he REALLY got the book. But never mind that, with that book we have all the power in the world. Thats why i have to take it! 

Barney walked in the room with Red who was holding the book. They both sat down in the living room and i sat in one of the chairs near the island table. "We need to go to an expert, someone who knows this type of stuff like voodoo." Red said breaking the silence. Barney looked at him in a confuse expression. "We're not dealing with voodoo though...we dont even know what this book actually does." Barney said. "Yeah, but didn't Chan and them have the book when they saved us?" Red replied. Barney looked at me and sighed. "You're right, but who do we even turn to?" "Well there is someone i can think of who is willing to help." Red said looking something on his phone. He showed us a place not too long from here but it is a drive. We all decided to leave near night time because Red said he wanted to be like a agent on a mission, me and Barney said that we were just going to ask about a book but we gave in. We gathered our stuff and headed out.


"Well...we're here." I said pulling up to a library. Red looked at his phone, it was making all sort of noises. "I have no idea if this is the right phone is going crazy." He said while showing us his screen that was baby blue and a purple crown in the middle of it. Me and Barney both checked our phones but we also got the same out comes. I sighed and opened the door. "What where are you going? The place looks closed, how do you think you're going to get in there anyways?"  Red said pulling my arm back in the car. "Well im going to knock, you did say that this person wanted to help didn't you? Well we're here and we need help!" I said as i got out the car completely.  

Reds Pov

   "Well im going to knock, you did say that this person wanted to help didn't you? Well we're here and we need help!" Max said as he got out of the car. I sighed and turned to Barney who was in the back seat. I feel bad for leaving him in the back like that, but Max needed the directions so i might as well sit in the front. "Im sorry babe, i know you dont want to be here...Ill make it up to you i promise." I i reached towards Barney,grabbing his hand and rubbing it. He smiled and said "Im having fun, you should too. Max is your friend...have fun before he goes home." I smiled and nodded. It is true though, Max might disappear after this. 

I got out of the car as Barney followed behind me. Max was banging on the door, seems like no one was going to answer anytime soon. "Max, if you're banning on the door for that long, its kind of noticeable that their not open." I said. Max slowly turned around. "Not. With .That . Attitude." He replied as he continued to beat the shit out of the door again. I rolled my eyes, Barney gave me a little shove in the arm. "Hes just trying to help." He whispered to me as he walked by and examined the building. I checked my phone to see if there was any number i could call, but i forgot that my phone still wasn't working. What could this logo even mean? Has to be important if Barney and Max have it too. 'Maybe its a hint or some type of warning.' I thought. 

I quickly turned around, I felt like someone was watching me. There was nothing but the empty parking lot with only our car. I turned around as i saw an elderly lady in front of me. "AHHH!!" I screamed as i backed up, almost falling in the process. The old lady just smiled. Barney and max turned around and just stared at he and me."You must be Red! Its so nice to finally met you!" I said, as she reached her hand out to help me up. I grabbed her hand as she surprisingly pulled me up. As i got up i could see her clearly now. She had very long gray hair that almost reached towards her knees, green eyes, not as tall as me but she was at chin height. And she had the brightest smile for an elderly person. She smiled and turned around the Max and Barney who was still wondering who this woman was. "Come!Follow me!" She said as she pushed Max and Barney out of the way so she can get into the building,which was locked the whole time. I walked towards Barney and Max as they looked at me. "Is this the person?" Max asked. "N, but maybe she knows the owner..." I said while holding the door the they can go in.

Sorry for not posting, been busy. (Must be sick of hearing that right?) Idk what im during with this account anymore, once i say something i do the opposite. Im still going to post and update books but imma just do one book at a time i guess. (Wait and see me make another book and not post on that for a whole year) Just know that i love writing for you guys...its just hard to do so. Also im not doing the channel crap anymore. If you watched the video i made there, it had secret messages pop up while i was talking. I also have a secret message on my account, im just lazy to continue it. But yeah, imma keep updating. Just going to update when i want. Bye

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