Chan's Knife

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Adam's POV

I started off new. Quitting my Minecraft channel to do music instead. I did decide to start live streaming game plays now but I'm never going back to Minecraft let's plays. I've been playing that game for years! So you can't blame me for hating it. But that's not why I stop playing it...Max, Ross, and Tim moved. Everyone started to do their own thing so I didn't interfere. I wish them the best of luck in their future.

I was in the studio recording Red head that's about to come out later that night when I felt my phone buzz with a bing. I paused the recording knowing I had to redo it because I stopped mid sentence to check my phone. It was Emily. It said "hey Adam..." I quickly wrote back to her.

A: "Hey Em! Havent herd from you in a while...whats up?"

E: "I was seeing if i could come over later? I need to talk to you about something very important."

A: "Sure...are you okay?"

I waited a few minutes. It didn't seem like she was going to answer so i decided to finish the recording up and head home to meet Em. As i put my phone up i had a flash back when Em was in her house alone...she almost got killed. If it wasn't for...Chan then Em would probably be dead

Emily's pov

(Dream) I almost went full circle around this counter. She knows I'm here. She wants to play some sick game of find and seek. I looked around. If I'm quick enough I could run out the door.

I waited for a second. I need a good chance to run. She turned her head to look at something. Nows my chance. I quickly ran out the kitchen. I herd a gun shot behind me.

I didn't have much time. I opened the door and ran out side. I didn't stop running. I herd a motorcycle coming down the street and I yelled for help.

I looked behind me too see a tall woman with blue hair pointing a gun at me. I closed my eyes and herd the gun fire. I opened them to see a young woman holding a gun that was pointed at the other woman.

I looked behind me to see Adam on the bike. He has a lot to explain but right now....I cant believe I'm saying this but right now....we need to save Chan. If Ty gets his hands on that book then it's game over.

I shot up out of my bed. I was sweaty and breathing heavily. Chan was the only thing on my mind right now. I have no idea if she is coming back or not. I got up from my bed and went to my dresser drawer. I opened the first top drawer and pulled out something that was wrapped in a baby blue handkerchief with a little purple crown at the left bottom corner of it. I slowly unraveled the object from the handkerchief. I still remember how shiny it was, the red and black. I never used it...well i almost did a couple of times."EM PLEASE! I NEED YOUR HELP! YOU'RE THE ONLY PERSON I KNOW WHO IS STRONG ENOUGH TO DO SOMETHING!" Those words kept running through my head over and over again every time i held the knife or i thought of Chan. I closed my eyes to try to drown the sound out. The noise kept getting louder so i decided to open my eyes so i could put the knife back in the handkerchief, as i looked at the knife i slowly closed my eyes again.  

The knife was at my wrist. I was a shame of myself. I didn't cut yet but still, if i didn't opened my eyes who knows what would've happen. I quickly wrapped the knife back in the handkerchief and put it back in the drawer. I never wanted to keep that knife, I told Chan to take it back. She took it but some how gave it back. I don't even know how she did that but she did. The knife still has her scent but is slowly fading away. I miss her snarky comments like "Shut don't go up!" And i also miss the look in her eye when we had to go on a mission, she always loved danger. Even if it killed her she did something she loved. And Adam...damn hes been through a lot. Loosing his wife and kid and now loosing Chan. I still think they could've been a thing but who knows?

I herd a bing from my phone which startled me. I unlocked my phone and saw it was a text from Tim. Me and Tim are still a thing but he doesn't live with me, we are not that advance yet . "Goodnight babe. See you tomorrow." I decided not the text back. Instead i decided to text Adam, I need answers to what happened to Chan. This knife has to be a big key of something. Chan wouldn't just give me her knife so i can suffer about thinking about her...right? Even if the knife doesn't represent anything then im still going to find away to bring her back...even if that means going to a dark lord...

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