ii. mysteriousness

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[ ii. mysteriousness ]

CHARLEY SIGHED AS she wiped the last table down, an hour left till closing. Usually, she doesn't get any customers an hour or two before closing, so she finished doing everything beforehand, just to make it easier on herself and her coworkers.

In the back of her mind, she hoped the boy would walk back in just like some romance movie. She glanced at the doors and sighed, "never gonna happen," she muttered to herself, letting out a sigh. Charley walked over and stood behind the counter and leaned on it. Just then, she heard the bell on the door ring, signaling someone walked in. She jumped and looked up and saw that boy, making her smile.

"I'm back to get another milkshake spilled on me," he joked, making her shake her head.

"I still feel so bad," she groaned, making the boy laugh. "Why are you here?"

"To get food? It is a diner after all," he chuckled. "I just want fries. A big plate of them, too."

"But you're so tiny, how are you gonna eat all of that?" She asked, legitimately confused.

"Who says I'm eating it alone? I have you after all," the brunette smiled before walking away to sit in a booth. Charley felt her face heat up and immediately went to the back to get his order. She smiled to herself once she knew she was out of sight of his view, her heart racing.


Noah sighed and waited patiently for the girl to come back. I can't believe I talked to her without stuttering. I flirted with a girl! Noah excitedly thought to himself. He instantly started smiling and silently celebrating to himself.

He then saw the girl sit a plate of fries down in front of him and she slid into the booth in front of him. "Why did you want me to eat with you anyway?" The curious girl asked as she grabbed a fry.

Noah shrugged, "just some company." She nodded and then smiled.

"What's your name?" Charley asked, just to try and start conversation.

He then started to panic. He didn't wanna lie to her, but also didn't want her to think differently of him. "Ya know, I kinda like that we don't know each other's names. Kind of mysterious."

"I guess 'Mystery Boy'," she joked, making him laugh.

"So are we using nicknames now 'Milkshake Spiller'?" Noah smirked, making the girl sigh out of embarrassment.

"That was one time. I'm never gonna hear this down, aren't I?" She asked, making the boy shake his head. They were both silent, lowkey enjoying each other's company. "So if we aren't gonna learn each other's names, how old are you?"

"Thirteen. My birthday is in October," Noah explained, making the girl nod. "How old are you?"

"Fourteen. My birthday is May 9th, to be exact," she explained with a huge smile on her face. Noah smiled just watching her smile. "I turned 14 a few days ago."

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