━ epilogue

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CHARLEY CONTINUED TO stare off into the distance as she drank her milkshake. She thought about life and how much it's changed in a year since she's left California. She rested her head on her hand and sighed. She moved around in the uncomfortable café seat and groaned softly. The blonde watched as people walked by, cars and taxis reaching over the speed limit, and watched when the traffic light changed. "God I'm so bored," Charley whispered to herself and started to tap her nails on the table.

Her father worked at the café and she had to sit and wait on him for him to get off work everyday. He didn't trust her enough to let her stay home alone in the rundown apartment they're staying at. Plus, New York City is a sketchy place after all. She glanced over and made sure her Dad wasn't watching before she grabbed her milkshake and quickly ran out the doors.

Charley giggled to herself and put her earbuds in her ears. She started down the sidewalk, receiving every kind of stare you get from New Yorkers. She rolled her eyes and turned her volume up. Of course, she had a way too familiar song stuck on replay.

"Race ya!" Chloe hit her brother as she started down the sidewalk. Noah whined loudly and stared at his mother in disbelief that she was actually letting her act this way.

"Chloe!" He screamed as he ran after her, rolling his eyes. His sister kept laughing and running faster than her brother. "Stop!" He kept accidentally running into innocent bystanders and always mumbled a quick 'sorry' afterward. Noah shut his eyes tight, trying to stop himself from getting angry. Just as he did that, he ran into something.

Or perhaps someone.

Charley gasped as she felt her milkshake go all over her shirt. Her mouth opened wide as she stared down at the mess. Her cup was on the floor and there was a puddle of a vanilla milkshake around her. "I-I'm so sorry!" Noah said panicking as he looked at the mess. He then looked at the girl and felt as if he lost his breath.

"It's fine I-I guess," she sighed and swallowed the lump in her throat as she tried to wipe the mess off of her arms, but it didn't really work. Charley whined as then took a glance at the boy and her mouth dropped. "Holy-"

"Shit," Noah gasped as he continued to stare at her.

"I guess the tables have turned," Charley joked as she looked down at her shirt. Her heart started to race once she completely realized it was all real. "You got me good, mystery boy. Or should I say, Noah Schnapp?"

"I guess I did get you good, milkshake spiller. Or should I say, Charley Kennedy," Noah chuckled as he felt his face heating up. He shoved his hands in his pockets and looked at the ground, not really knowing what to say.

"I'm surprised you remembered my name." Charley let out a sarcastic chuckle and scratched the back of her neck. Noah stared back at her with confusion. He then reached in his back pocket and pulled out a wallet. He then opened it and took out a neatly folded piece of lined paper.

"There's no way I could've forgotten," he said as he happened her the paper. She stared at him with confusion. "I read that letter over and over again. I memorized every word, down to the letters. I probably even know it backawards."

"Seriously?" Charley asked in disbelief softly, yet blushed. Noah nodded with a smile on his face, but yet tried to hide it. Charley grabbed his hand and placed the letter back in his hand. She smiled up at him and started to blush. "You're a piece of work, Noah."

"Me?!" Noah asked as if he was shocked, making his voice crack. The two started laughing, receiving multiple rude looks, making them laugh even more. "God I missed you."

"And yet, I missed you more," she said with a smile. Noah had gotten surprisingly a lot taller and his voice had gotten deeper since she last saw him. If she didn't take a double take, she wouldn't have recognized him. "I'm still covered in milkshake," she giggled, making Noah smile even more.

"Yea I can see that." He then took a deep breath and sighed. "And I could also see this." Noah then softly grabbed the girl's face and placed a kiss on her lips, what he had wanted to do the day he realized Charley was gone.

Her face immediately went red, but still kissed him back. She pulled away and her eyes went wide. "Is that what you could see?" She asked in a joking manner.

Noah laughed and nodded, his cheeks tinted red. "I want us to start over, just you and me meeting again. Even though it's funny to get to know someone after I spilled your milkshake all over you," Noah explained and chuckled, making her nod with a smile. She stepped out of his embrace and stuck out her hand, wanting for him to shake it.

"Hi, my name is Charley and you spilled milkshake on me," she chuckled. Noah grabbed her hand and they started to shake.

"Hi, my name is Noah, but I'm also a milkshake spiller," he joked, making her smile.

"That's actually me who's the milkshake spiller," Charley smirked, making Noah playfully shake his head.

"No, me."

"No, us!" Charley said with joy. "I guess being milkshake spillers are us."

"That's so us," Noah laughed as he realized he and Charley had something in common. They then both realized they were still holding onto each other's hand and instantly let go. "Sorry."

"It's okay!" She reassured. "You still fucking amaze me, Noah."

"And you still fucking blow me away, Charley."



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