xi. eleven jokes

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[ xi. eleven jokes ]
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     CHARLEY GRABBED THE popcorn and sat in between her friends Macen and Dylan and covered herself up with the blankets that were scattered on the couch. Macen quickly grabbed the popcorn from the blonde's lap and started eating it. "Share!" Charley demanded. Jake quickly grabbed the remote, making Charley groan. "Give it, Jake!"

"If we're gonna watch Stranger Things again, I am leaving," he stated sternly as he tried to move the remote away from the annoyed girl.

"I happen to like the show," Dylan shrugged as he ate a piece of popcorn.

"See, someone has taste," she fired back. "Now, this is my house so give me my damn remote!"

"No! We aren't watching Stranger Things!" Jake shouted loudly.

"Bet!" The blonde shouted even louder. Jake sighed, knowing he wasn't gonna win and handed the girl the remote. She flashed a smile and sat back down more comfortably. She then immediately changed the screen to Netflix and clicked on Stranger Things.

"Max can beat me with Steve's bat and I'd thank her for her service," Macen confessed in a whisper as she chewed some popcorn. "Sadie Sink makes me gay, too late. I'm a disaster bi."

"Millie Bobby Brown can choke me," Dylan joked and winked. Charley snorted and Jake laughed.

"You're turning into a fangirl, stop," Charley giggled as she chose the first episode.

"We have watched this same episode about ten times," Jake groaned and threw the covers over his eyes.

"Make that eleven," Charley snorted and glanced around at her friends, waiting for a laugh. "Get it? Because Eleven and the number-?"

"We get it!" Dylan mocked Jake, making everyone in the room sigh. Charley snickered and unpaused the show.

"That 'mystery boy' really looks like Will," Macen confessed softly, making Jake and Dylan confused.

"You mean the boy Charley is talking too? How do you know?" Dylan asked confusedly, making Macen panic and Charley angry. The annoyed blonde paused the show and sighed.

"I showed Macen a picture of him and she is convinced it's Noah Schnapp," Charley breathed out as she got out her phone. She then scrolled through her camera roll and found a picture of the boy at the diner. She shoved the phone in Dylan's face and he gasped. He took her phone and zoomed in on his face.

"Charley, Noah Schnapp is in love with you," Dylan exclaimed with a gasp, not taking his eyes off the phone. She grabbed her phone and showed Jake, who was caught by surprise.

"Dill Pickle is right, that's a Noah Schnapp if I've ever seen one," Jake explained as he handed the girl back her phone.

"I've been telling her this!" Macen shouted and stuffed a handful of popcorn in her mouth.

"Guys', he's not Noah Schnapp. I mean, it would be amazing, but he's not," Charley sighed as she put her phone away and unpaused the show.

"That's fucking Noah Schnapp. I am convinced," Dylan whispered even though Charley ignored him and continued to watch the show. When the character Will Byers came on screen, she started to examine him. Not in a weird way, but just staring at him. Her eyes widened and gasped softly.

"Holy fuck. I've been talking to Noah Schnapp."



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