xv. dear mystery boy. . .

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[ xv. dear mystery boy. . . ]
/ IRL /

DYLAN AND CHARLEY laughed as they walked down the sidewalk on the way to the diner. "I still can't believe you manage to have a celebrity fall in love with you," Dylan snickered, making Charley smile.

"He isn't in love with me, you rat. It's more like, I'm in love with him," Charley joked playfully. "You see the difference?"

"Yep, totally," Dylan laughed as he stuck his hands in his pockets. "Your Dad was acting really weird today."

"Oh thank God I wasn't the only one thinking about it!" Charley jumped up and exclaimed. She then continued to walk. "Like, he was acting super sketchy. He was really cleaning up the house today and wanted me out, so that's why I'm here with you. Plus, I wanted to hang out." She nudged him with her elbow.

"Yea like, whenever I showed up, he literally pushed you out the door," Dylan explained, making the blonde nod. They both realized they were getting close to the diner and started to walk faster.

"What do you want? It's on me," Charley smiled brightly as she put her arm around her best friend. He chuckled lightly and slid his arm around her waist.

"Just a milkshake," he winked at the blonde, who then slapped him. "Oh come on!"

"You're not getting a milkshake." Just as she said that, Dylan stopped and dropped his arm off the girl. "What?" She asked, completely confused. She stared in the direction he was staring and saw the last moving truck pull out of the diner.

"What's going on?" Dylan asked Charley, who was completely confused as she was. She was about to speak, but didn't know what to say. She started spitting out random noises and then took off to the diner. "Wait!" He then sprinted after her.

Charley stood in front of the door and what was plastered on the front was:


"Agency? For sale?" She asked herself in disbelief as she pushed the doors open. She slowly walked in and it was like she got punched in the gut.

"Holy shit." Charley heard Dylan whisper in awe behind her. Tears began to fill her eyes as she kept looking around, slowly walking across the room. It was all gone, everything. The booths, the tables, the chairs,

the jukebox,

and the memories.

"What's going on?" Dylan asked quietly. The room was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. Charley lightly chuckled in disbelief and shrugged. She was still in awe and confused.

"The booth." She turned and looked where Noah, Sadie, and Gaten sat when she spilled that milkshake on him. "It's gone." Charley then felt her heart drop and immediately turned to face the corner. "The jukebox is gone too." She covered her mouth and then started to sob. "It's all gone," she cried as Dylan hugged her. He felt her tears on his shoulder, but he could care less.

"It's okay, we'll find out what happened," he whispered in her shoulder. Charley nodded in his shoulder as she continued to cry. Dylan rubbed his crying best friend's back as he tried to calm her down.

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