xii. friends don't lie

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[ xii. friends don't lie ]
/ IRL /

NOAH SIGHED AS he was getting his hair and makeup done. He looked in the mirror with no expression on his face. He licked his lips and bit the inside of his cheek, he wasn't the same before Charley. Just being away from her was hard, very hard. He never had felt that way ever. So this time, it was real and he needed to see her. "You okay, Noah?" The boy jumped and turned around to see Millie. He nodded without saying a word and she put her hands on her hips. "You're lying and friends don't lie."

"Don't pull that Stranger Things crap on me, Mills," Noah whined annoyedly as he was still getting his hair done. Millie kept eyeing him, making him uncomfortable. He then had enough and stood up, even though he wasn't finished.

"Noah?" The lady and Millie asked at the same time. He ignored them both and then stormed out of the trailer, making the British girl whine and run after him.

"Noah! Noah stop! This isn't like you," Millie pleaded in a loud tone, making him stop. He stopped and turned around, tears brimming his eyes. She caught up to him and forcefully turned him around, seeing his sadness.

"I've never ever felt this way about someone before," he sniffled softly, swallowing the lump in his throat, "it's scary, but also nice. I don't know how to explain it." Millie nodded, shaking she was listening and that she cared. "I wanna see her I really do, but I can't yet. I have a bad feeling . . . about when I'm gonna ask her out."

"What do you mean?" The British girl asked, completely oblivious to what the emotional boy was talking about.

"I think she's gonna say no or something, I don't know. I'm just worried about her, okay? I'm worried she's not gonna be the same person when I get back or she doesn't like me or-" Millie cut him off by putting her hands on his shoulders.

"Noah Cameron Schnapp, stop talking like this. That girl will be astonished whenever you see her again and she'll love you for asking her out and whatever else ur gonna say," Millie sternly explained, making him nod. "So man up and let's get to filming." She put her arm around him with a smile and they started walking.

The only thing going through Noah's mind was about Charley and if she was okay. Well, what's your take on 'okay'?



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